Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Morocco

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2024 08:04

MFA Nasser Bourita receives his Ivorian counterpart

Wednesday 24 July 2024
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita received, on July 24, 2024 in Rabat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Ivorians Abroad of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Mr. Kacou Houaja Léon Adom.

In a joint press conference, Mr. Nasser Bourita pointed out that the Morocco-Ivorian relations are a benchmark for cooperation between African countries, thanks to their historical depth and important human dimension.

Mr. Nasser Bourita stressed that relations between Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire, which have remarkably evolved under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI and President Alassane Ouattara, are complementary on the economic, strategic, security and diplomatic levels.

The two brotherly countries are more than just partners, they are allies, he said, highlighting the importance HM the King attaches to relations with Côte d'Ivoire, where the Sovereign has made six visits.

The Minister emphasized that the talks with his Ivorian peer presented an opportunity to congratulate Côte d'Ivoire on the achievements made in terms of stability and development under President Ouattara's leadership, noting that the brotherly African country is a model of stability thanks to a clear vision of development. He added that the 2021-2025 national development program reflects the Ivorian President's ambition to consolidate his country's position at continental level as a haven of stability and development in West Africa.

Mr. Nasser Bourita also stressed that Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire are linked by important political and economic coordination mechanisms, noting that Morocco's economic presence in Côte d'Ivoire is unrivaled in Africa.

In this respect, the Minister recalled the important legal framework regulating bilateral relations, mainly citing the 84 conventions linking Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire, covering all areas of cooperation, adding that he had agreed with his Ivorian peer to work towards holding the joint commission before the end of the current year, to begin preparations for this meeting at a technical level, and to reactivate the channels of communication between private sector bodies.

He added that the two parties have convened to further strengthen coordination on regional and international issues within organizations, particularly the African Union and the United Nations, suggesting implementing "Morocco-Ivorian joint initiatives with regard to regional disputes in Africa and the challenges facing the continent."

Côte d'Ivoire is a major player in a series of initiatives launched by His Majesty the King, in that it is a member of the African Atlantic Initiative and plays a vital role in security, economic and environmental terms, affirming that African countries will be able, thanks to this initiative, to begin their own restructuring, and to create a main area of cooperation for the 23 countries on the Atlantic seaboard.

Côte d'Ivoire is also a key player in the Nigeria-Morocco-Europe Gas Pipeline initiative, a project that has always been supported by President Alassane Ouattara and the Ivorian authorities as a structuring project for cooperation in West Africa, believing that this initiative, which represents a mechanism for regional integration between the 13 countries involved, is not just an energy project but has a highly beneficial impact for all the countries concerned.

As for the situation in the Sahel, the Minister stressed that Morocco's approach is clear, in that the Kingdom insists on stability in the region and in West and North Africa, highlighting the need to reject any outside interference in Sahel affairs.

"Sahel issues ought to be resolved by the region's countries, and external interferences can only be negative in this area and will accentuate instability," Mr. Nasser Bourita said.

Morocco, which has always respected and followed with interest the Economic Community of West African States's (ECOWAS) decisions - the organization grouping these states - has a great convergence of views with the positions chosen by the countries of the region, he added.

The talks also focused on ways to promote complementary action in the Sahel, in order to preserve regional stability and prevent the situation in this region from spilling over into other countries, said Bourita, stressing that the security and stability of Côte d'Ivoire remains a top priority for Morocco, in line with the vision of His Majesty the King, who takes a great interest in Morocco-Ivorian relations.

"For Morocco, Côte d'Ivoire's stability and security represent a red line, which will not be subject to any concessions," he noted, adding that the stability, security and peace of mind of Côte d'Ivoire are a priority for the Kingdom, and cannot be the subject of any one-upmanship.

Mr. Nasser Bourita took the opportunity to laud the constant position of the Ivorian authorities on the question of the Moroccan Sahara, recalling that Côte d'Ivoire has always supported Morocco's territorial integrity and sovereignty over its southern provinces.

On his side,The Ivorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, and Ivorians Abroad, Mr. Kacou Houadja Léon Adom, praised the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Sovereign's African vision in favor of peace, stability, and socio-economic development in Africa, as outlined in the Sovereign's speech in Abidjan in March 2014.

the Ivorian minister commended His Majesty the King's Initiative to facilitate access for Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean, highlighting the strategic importance of this initiative within the framework of Morocco's active solidarity with its brotherly African countries.

On this occasion, the two ministers welcomed the momentum generated within the framework of the Atlantic African States Process to make the Atlantic African space a geostrategic framework that holds significant opportunities for synergy and cooperation among the countries it encompasses in strategic areas such as the environment, food security, health, energy, logistical interconnection, resource sharing, and exchange of experiences. This framework could, in this regard, become a zone of co-emergence and stability.

They also expressed their satisfaction with the progress in the implementation of the mega-project of the West African gas pipeline between Morocco and Nigeria, as well as the methods for strengthening, coordinating, and cooperating related to this project, a symbol of South-South cooperation which, once completed, will contribute to improving the living conditions of the population and strengthening regional economic integration.

Mr. Kacou Houadja Léon Adom pointed out that Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire share a common vision on regional and continental issues.

The two countries share a common vision on all that is happening on the African continent and the challenges facing the sub-region and the means to overcome them, stressed the head of Ivorian diplomacy.

The Ivorian minister welcomed the excellent cooperation between the two countries in various fields. "As is the case with economic cooperation, cultural relations continue to strengthen", he noted, highlighting the convergence of the two countries political views.

He also underlined that Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire are linked by historic relations, the foundations of which were laid by "Great Men".

"Today, we have a duty not only to celebrate these relationships, but also to ensure their durability and growth from strong to stronger", he added.

On the Sahara issue, Mr. Kacou Houadja Léon Adom, reiterated his country's steadfast position in favor of Moroccan Sahara, the territorial integrity, and the sovereignty of Morocco over its entire territory.

the Ivorian head of diplomacy reaffirmed Côte d'Ivoire's full support for the autonomy plan presented by the Kingdom of Morocco, which constitutes the only credible and realistic solution for resolving this regional dispute.

He also praised the efforts of the United Nations as the exclusive framework for achieving a realistic, practical, and sustainable solution to the dispute over the Sahara.

Welcoming this decision, Mr. Nasser Bourita thanked the Ivorian side for its constant and firm support, hailing Côte d'Ivoire's decision to open a General Consulate in Laayoune since February 18, 2020.