Putnam County, GA

10/01/2024 | News release | Archived content

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Proclamation Recognizing the Month of October as

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

WHEREAS, Every year, too many Americans are touched by the pain and hardship caused by breast cancer; and WHEREAS, Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer found in women in the United States and is the leading cause of cancer death for women withone in eight women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime; andWHEREAS, More than 2,800 men will likely be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer in 2024, but thanks to early detection and improved treatment options, deaths from breast cancer have decreased significantly in the last decade; and

WHEREAS, Many people have endured the heartbreak of losing someone to breast cancer, and it's the memories of those loved ones that drive us to find a cure; and

WHEREAS, All women are encouraged to talk to their healthcare providers about mammograms and other methods of early detection, as well as their risk of developing breast cancer and what can be done to reduce that risk; andWHEREAS, During the month of October, we remember those lost to this terrible disease and stand strong for those currently facing a breast cancer diagnosis, and we strengthen our resolve to do our part in supporting those affected; and WHEREAS, By raising awareness of breast cancer and supporting research, prevention and early detection, we will move closer to eradicating this disease.NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMEDby the Putnam County Board of Commissioners that October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we urge all Putnam County residents to spread awareness of this disease, provide support for those affected by this illness and educate others on its prevention and early detection.

Proclaimed this 4th day of October 2024

Board of Commissioners of Putnam County