DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/09/2024 12:40

NEW: LA Times Endorses Dave Min for California’s 47th Congressional District

LA Times: "By far the better candidate to represent the interests of the district is Min."

Today, the LA Times Editorial Board endorsed Dave Min for California's 47th Congressional District, calling him "by far the better candidate to represent the interests of the district," - praising Min as the leader who would "fight to protect abortion, IVF and contraception rights" and "bolster public education at all levels."

In contrast, the Editorial Board condemned criminally-indicted Scott Baugh as entirely out-of-touch with the district he aims to represent. The Board noted that Baugh "would strip away individual [reproductive] rights," "bolster the rights of large corporations," and continue to be "an active participant in destructive culture wars," including making statements that have "insultingly downplayed the horrors of the Holocaust."

LA Times: Endorsement: Dave Min for the 47th Congressional District
Editorial Board | September 9, 2024

  • […T]his is a district that still believes in a woman's right to make her own medical decisions; abortion bans are not a popular notion. With UC Irvine in its midst, it is an area that believes in quality education that is made accessible to students of all backgrounds. And with much of it lying along the coast, climate change is a serious threat. That's not to mention residents' concerns about oil rigs and the history of toxic offshore oil spills.

  • By far the better candidate to represent the interests of the district is Min, who, like Porter, is a former law professor at UC Irvine. He would fight to protect abortion, IVF and contraception rights; he wants to bolster public education at all levels; and he carried state legislation to phase out oil and gas drilling in California waters, which didn't pass but was the right idea.

  • In contrast, Baugh told the Orange County Register that he believes life begins at conception. At the same time that he would strip away individual rights, he wants to bolster the rights of large corporations by weakening regulations. Those regulations have helped protect the coast, reduce air pollution, improve gas mileage and battle climate change. Baugh also opposes banning assault weapons.

  • He's also an active participant in the destructive culture wars. In a grossly ignorant statement that insultingly downplayed the horrors of the Holocaust, Baugh last year averred that "wokism" was more of a threat to the country than both world wars.

  • He was indicted on felony campaign charges during the 1990s, including allegations of falsifying campaign reports and persuading someone to commit perjury. Those were later reduced to civil violations for which he was fined $50,000.

  • In this very close race, voters should…vote for [Min]…the only candidate in the race who will defend their rights and fight to protect the local and global environment.