Delegation of the European Union to Colombia

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 15:33

EU Statement – UN Alliance of Civilisations: Group of Friends Meeting

27 September 2024, New York - Statement on behalf of the European Union by H.E. Ambassador Hedda Samson, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly: United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC) Group of Friends Meeting

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Mr. High Representative,

By its very nature, the European Union is deeply committed to multilateralism. We are convinced that solidarity and global cooperation are essential to overcome today's challenges. Our partnership with the UN and the Alliance of Civilisations is more important than ever to ensure that no one is left behind.

This can only be achieved through the full realization of all human rights. We need to promote equality, as well as protect diversity. Therefore, the EU stands by the Alliance of Civilisations' efforts to promote tolerance and respect for cultural diversity and religious pluralism.

The EU is united in diversity: equality and non-discrimination are core values and fundamental rights. In terms of concrete action, the EU is currently implementing a series of ambitious strategies aimed at achieving a true "Union of Equality".

These include our Gender Equality Strategy, the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy, and the Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation. Through the EU Anti-racism Action Plan, we are tackling the issue of racism on all fronts to ensure a robust response to the stress-factors that our society and values face today.

Moreover, freedom of religion and belief remains a major priority for the EU. Last year, the EU appointed a new coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred, who works to ensure a robust and holistic response to anti-Muslim hatred in the areas of education, employment and social policy.

The EU also implements its Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. Generations after the end of the Holocaust, antisemitic sentiments and violence are alarmingly on the rise, in Europe and beyond. It represents a threat not only to Jewish communities and to Jewish life, but to an open, democratic and diverse society.

Finally, beyond our domestic initiatives, we are also determined to foster freedom of religion and belief abroad. It remains a priority of our external action, including through the EU Special Envoy on FoRB. While creating a culture of inclusion in the face of today's challenges is not a small commitment, we continue to be staunch supporters of dialogue aimed at increasing mutual understanding and respect between diverse identity groups, while safeguarding freedom of expression.

We look forward to our continued cooperation in promoting respect and understanding among diverse identity groups and in building inclusive, cohesive and peaceful societies.

Thank you.