12/02/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 09:36
On October 16, students and teachers at all five Regional School Unit 16 (RSU 16) schools in Mechanic Falls, Minot, and Poland participated in the first annual "Drop Everything and Get Everyone Outside (GEO) Day." The new initiative involves integrating an outdoor learning activity into nearly every content area for students' daily lessons.
This effort comes as research continues to demonstrate the many benefits of outdoor learning, including improved focus and academics, increased cooperative learning and social interaction, better physical and mental health, and the fostering of an appreciation of and love for nature.
Jessica Harvey, a second-grade teacher at Elm Street School and the 2021 Androscoggin County Teacher of the Year, is one of the educators who has helped RSU 16 to realize its vision of outdoor learning. She and a team of other RSU 16 teachers participated in outdoor learning sessions through The Ecology School to develop a vision and progression of outdoor learning at RSU 16.
Following this professional learning opportunity, teachers held a casual lunch meeting to connect and share successes and challenges related to outdoor learning. That's how they created the Get Everyone Outside (GEO) initiative, which they decided would be brought to life with a Drop Everything and Get Everyone Outside (GEO) Day across the district to promote outdoor learning.
"Great things happen when teachers have time together," Harvey said.
The teachers worked with RSU 16 Curriculum Director Jill Mathieu, to establish a representative at each school to help promote and support outdoor learning. Eventually, a plan was put in place for the first annual Drop Everything and GEO Day.
"Outdoor learning is for everyone, and we are proud to see how many educators took their students outside for learning that day," Harvey said.
Through grants and the district's Tri-Town Education Fund, RSU 16 has acquired outdoor learning seating and other materials to help teachers and students start teaching and learning outdoors.
RSU 16 hopes to continue to grow outdoor learning district-wide, making it a natural part of the curriculum for years to come.
Information for this story was provided by RSU 16. To share good news from your school, please fill out the Maine DOE good news submission form.