Jimmy Panetta

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 11:06

Reps. Thompson and Panetta Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Celebrate Community Week and Commemorate Service Organizations

WASHINGTON, D.C. - This week,Reps. Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) and Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Service Organization Caucus, introduced a resolution to designate the week of September 8th through September 14th as Celebrate Community Week and commemorate the efforts of local service organizations across the country.

The resolution recognizes the role of service organizations in promoting community humanitarian assistance, while also instilling the value of giving back in our youth. The undersigned members specifically applauded Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, Optimist International, and Rotary Internationalfor encouraging and promoting community service and humanitarian assistance through their local chapters.

"Local service organizations embody the very best in our communities and our collective responsibility to give back to our country,"Rep. Panetta said. "Our bipartisan resolution highlights these organizations' extraordinary contributions, commitment, and citizenship which is making an impact, at the local, national, and global levels, every day. Celebrate Community Week is about active participation in our democracy, leaning in, giving back, and rolling up our sleeves to do good."

"I commend our community service organizations like Lions Clubs International, Rotary International, Kiwanis International, and Optimist International for everything they do to help our communities flourish," Rep. Thompson said. "Volunteer service is the cornerstone of a successful, strong, and healthy community, and is an important staple of American life. I am pleased to recognize this critical work during Celebrate Community week."

"Kiwanis International and its fellow service organizations are dedicated to supporting communities both in the U.S. and worldwide," Kiwanis International President Katrina Baranko said. The Celebrate Community initiative is just one way we can collaborate to create meaningful, measurable impact."

"I am proud to watch Lions and Leos join forces with other service-minded volunteers around the world during Celebrate Community week," Lions International President Fabrício Oliveira said. "This collaboration highlights the incredible impact we can achieve when we unite our strengths and resources. Together, we are addressing critical issues such as health, hunger, education, and the environment, making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need."

"Optimist International is proud to be an inaugural partner in the Celebrate Community effort to bring our organizations together for this week of service," Executive Director of Optimist International Cheryl L. Brenn said. "We recognize that community service isn't just a feel-good activity for a Saturday afternoon; it's service clubs that help to fill the gaps in our society, sometimes it is through these collective service projects that we provide critical safety nets for some of our most vulnerable citizens."

"When organizations like ours join together and partner with communities to meet their needs, we're able to achieve more than we ever could on our own," Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick said. "What's more, by working together, our participants feel engaged and foster social connections and a sense of belonging, all of which are essential components of mental health and wellness and member retention."

Read the full resolution here.
