Houses of the Oireachtas

02/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/07/2024 15:28

EU Affairs Committee to discuss the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Council.

2 Jul 2024, 16:38

The Joint Committee on European Affairs will meet on Wednesday the 3rd of July to discuss the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Council.

The meeting will take place in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House from 10:00 to 12:30.

The following representatives are due to appear:

• H.E. Mr. Gergely Bánhegvi, Ambassador of Hungary,
• Mr. Tamás Szilágyi, Deputy Head of the Mission.

Speaking in advance of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Colm Brophy said, 'We welcome the opportunity to meet with the Hungarian Ambassador and the Deputy Head of the Mission so that we can better understand the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Council.'

'The Hungarian Presidency of the European Council commenced on the 1st of July 2024 and will continue until the 31st of December 2024'.

'This Presidency began in a tumultuous time in Europe and will be the first Presidency of the newly returned Parliament and Commission. This is a critical time for the EU, and it is important that we fully understand the priorities that the Hungarian Presidency has for its time in the position, including a 'New European Competitiveness Deal,' 'A reinforcement of the European defence policy,' 'A consistent and merit-based enlargement policy,' 'Stemming illegal migration,' 'Shaping the future cohesion policy,' 'A farmer-oriented EU agricultural policy,' and 'Addressing demographic challenges.'

'We are looking forward to discussing these key areas with the representatives to develop a clearer picture of the new EU Council Presidency of the next few months.'

Watch the meeting live here or on the Oireachtas smartphone app for Apple and Android.