Joni Ernst

10/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/01/2024 13:39

Ernst Fights to Protect Americans and Deport Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Sex Crimes

WASHINGTON - After a shocking report revealed that 16,320 illegal immigrants with sexual assault convictions are in the country, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) led 19 of her colleagues in introducing a bipartisan bill that will allow America to deport sexual offenders currently in the country and block those seeking to enter.

Specifically, the Better Enforcement of Grievous Offenses by unNaturalized Emigrants (BE GONE) Act will amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence as crimes that are defined as "aggravated felonies."

"These violent criminals never would have entered America in the first place if we had real border security, but now that they're in our communities, they need to BE GONE," said Ernst. "Since Border Czar Kamala Harris won't protect this country, then I will. My legislation will combat sexual violence by ensuring predators are identified, stopped, and deported."

"I am honored to amplify and support the incredible efforts of Senator Joni Ernst on this bill. Senator Ernst has been the tip of the spear when it comes to enhancing our public safety. This bill will hold accountable those who commit the most heinous crimes and ensure they are dealt consequences. That is something this country not only demands but expects from our representatives and as always Joni Ernst comes through for America," said Retired Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tom Homan.

"We are grateful to Senator Ernst for introducing the BE GONE Act which will deport immigrants who have committed heinous acts. This is common sense legislation that Congress must pass, so criminals are identified and stopped to protect Americans," said NumbersUSA Director of Federal Affairs Michael Hough.

"The Biden-Harris Administration has created an historic crisis at our borders. Under this administration's policies, tens of thousands of criminal aliens are being apprehended attempting to enter illegally and shocking new data shows that there are now 16,320 aliens in the U.S. convicted of sexual assault. Congress must work to ensure that criminal aliens are quickly removed from our country and this bill will help to accomplish exactly that. FAIR is proud to support the BE GONE Act and keeping American communities safe from illegal alien crime," saidFederation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) President Dan Stein.


Ernst has been on the front lines fighting to protect Americans from Biden and Harris' open border chaos.

Following the tragic death of Sarah Root, a young Iowan killed by an illegal immigrant released by federal law enforcement due to a loophole in the law, Ernst introduced Sarah's Law requiring ICE to detain illegal immigrants criminally charged with killing or seriously injuring another person.

Ernst introduced the BUILD IT Act to require the federal government to transfer any material associated with the construction of the border wall to any state desiring to complete it.

She is also combatting the fentanyl epidemic with her bipartisan legislation to empower the Pentagon to work with the government of Mexico to disrupt cartel activity and crack down on drug trafficking.
