Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India

07/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 09:47

Remarks by EAM, Dr. S. Jaishankar at the Egyptian National Day

Ambassador Wael Hamed and Mrs. Soha Hamed,
Dear Friends,

It's a real pleasure for me to join you all at the National Day celebrations of Egypt, an important and valued strategic partner. I convey our best wishes to the Government and people of Egypt in this occasion.

All of you would be aware that the longstanding relationship between our two countries has intensified in recent years. We had the honour of hosting President Sisi as the chief guest of our Republic Day in 2023. Within a few months, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Egypt that June, and the relationship was elevated to the strategic level. And indeed, in substance, activities and enthusiasm, we are both living up to the new nomenclature.

Our economic cooperation has been steadily diversifying, with both sides seeking new opportunities for mutual benefit. More than 50 Indian companies have already invested in various sectors of the Egyptian economy, with pharmaceuticals, electronics and green energy being focus sectors. Our IT industry too has been establishing partnerships that we hope to see grow in the times ahead. Egypt has also opened up as a market for our agro-exports, notably that of wheat.

Our defence collaboration has also grown in this very period. Since 2021, our Air Forces have held regular exercises bilaterally as well as in a larger format. Our Special Forces too are conducting their own exercises, most recently in January of this year. There are frequent and regular visits to Egyptian ports of Indian Naval Ships. And our defence industries are refreshing an old tradition through new activities and collaboration.


As two old civilizations, it is natural that our cultural cooperation occupies a prominent place in the relationship. We are cognizant that Yoga is enormously popular in Egypt. Prime Minister Modi himself referred to it during his Yoga address on the last International Day of Yoga. There is an interest as well in learning Indian languages and interactions between our Universities remain strong.

When it comes to world affairs, Indian and Egyptian diplomats have a long tradition of working closely. And I was just discussing that with Ambassador as we came in, we appreciated that Egypt participated in the G20 during the Indian presidency. India also strongly supported Egypt's membership of the BRICS. We value our collaboration in the context of the India-Africa Forum Summit process. I should add that I personally enjoyed a very warm and comfortable working relationship with my then counterpart, Minister Sameh Shoukry. I look forward to establishing the same with his successor.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You can see from these examples the depth and intensity of our partnership. Ambassador, your tenure has certainly witnessed a discernible upswing. You can be rightly proud of your contribution to our ties. On this notable occasion, let me reiterate my Government's commitment to take our strategic partnership forward. Once again, my best wishes to the people and the Government of Egypt.

Thank you.