UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

10/01/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/02/2024 11:50

Discover the ten finalists of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development

Established in 2008, the Prize supports initiatives to improve teaching and learning in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4. Funded by the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences, the Prize awards $300,000 every two years, shared among three organizations whose projects enhance global teacher practice and foster educational innovation.

An international jury of five education experts will select three laureates from the ten finalists, with the winners announced live, onstage, during the ceremony.

Follow live in English, French and Portuguese to find out who will win the Prize awards. You can also register to attend the ceremony through this link.

Here, we introduce the ten finalists, each leading a remarkable initiative to improve education worldwide.

Transforming primary teacher training in Angola

Based in Angola,the Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povoinitiativehas established 15 Teacher Training Schools across 14 provinces in Angola. Their innovative 4-year pre-service program prepares young people to become primary school teachers through a blend of coursework, practical experience, and a full year of supervised teaching in rural schools. Over 15,000 teachers have graduated, contributing to community development and enhancing the education system at large.

Empowering rural teachers in Bangladesh

Good Neighbors Bangladeshis transforming education in rural communities by enhancing teacher capacity and creating child-friendly school environments. Their project has provided training for 450 teachers, benefiting over 24,000 students. By integrating children's rights education into the curriculum and involving the community in school management, they foster a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

Connecting parents and teachers for student success in Brazil

In Brazil, the Protagonist Families project, initiated by Caruaru's Department of Education, focuses on empowering parents, particularly in rural areas, to engage more deeply in their children's education. By involving families in the learning process, the project has strengthened the relationship between home and school, positively impacting student learning and well-being.

Enhancing tailored continuous teacher development in Brazil

Also from Brazil, the Veredas Formativasproject, led by the Prefeitura de Curitiba, offers teachers a wide array of professional development opportunities. From seminars and workshops to cultural activities, educators can customize their learning paths, leading to over 1.6 million training opportunities. The project has become a pillar of educational innovation in Curitiba, promoting continuous teacher growth.

Supporting teachers with accessible lesson plans in Brazil

The Nova Escola's Lesson Plansinitiative in Brazil, addresses the implementation of Brazil's National Common Core Curriculum. With over 600 educators contributing, the platform provides 6,000 free, high-quality lesson plans, used by nearly 900,000 teachers each month. This project bridges educational inequalities by offering accessible and relevant resources to public school teachers.

Enabling teachers as leaders in China

In China, the Shanghai Adream Charitable Foundation's "Teachers as Dream-Makers" project promotes competency-based education and teacher development. Through a structured career progression system, the initiative empowers teachers to take on leadership roles and share their expertise. The project has reached over 400,000 teachers and positively impacted millions of students nationwide.

Equipping teachers for sustainable development in Norway

From Norway, the Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Developmenthas developed an active learning methodology that mainstreams education for sustainable development. Their toolkit series, distributed internationally, equips teachers to engage students in critical discussions about sustainability. The project has trained 10,000 educators and distributed 120,000 toolkits, creating a global impact.

Building sustainable schools through teacher development in Indonesia

The Bumi Hijau Center Foundationin Indonesia is dedicated to transforming schools into hubs of innovation and sustainability. Through its comprehensive school development program, it has enhanced teacher competencies, improved student performance, and fostered environmental consciousness in 382 schools, impacting over 24,000 students and their families.

Connecting teachers for professional growth in Indonesia

Also in Indonesia, the Temu Pendidik Nusantaraproject by Yayasan Guru Belajar empowers teachers to take charge of their professional development through peer collaboration and shared learning. Since 2014, the project has connected nearly 34,000 teachers from across the country, promoting cross-regional collaboration and inspiring sustainable improvements in educational practices.

Enhancing literacy and numeracy through teacher-led initiatives in Togo

Finally, in Togo, the Teachers' Community Evidence-Based Holistic Approachproject at Tchitchao High School focuses on foundational literacy and numeracy for primary students in rural areas. By tailoring instruction to each student's learning level, the project has improved education for 2,400 students and equipped 20 teachers to lead future training initiatives in the community.

These ten finalists represent the forefront of global efforts to enhance education quality, presenting innovative solutions to the challenges faced by teachers and learners. Their commitment to empowering educators, improving learning environments and fostering community engagement continues to create a lasting impact on teaching practices and learner outcomes worldwide.

Join us on the 4 October at UNESCO HQ in Paris, or online, to celebrate the critical role that teachers play in shaping education, explore the systemic challenges they face, and emphasize the importance of including their voices in decision-making processes that impact them.