Wilkes University

09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 14:34

Green Bandana Project Offers Peer Mental Health Support

Green Bandana Project Offers Peer Mental Health Support

by Kelly ClishamSeptember 16, 2024
September 16, 2024

Wilkes students bring visibility to mental health resources to let other students know they're not alone.

Most college students have a lot on their plates - classes, homework, sports, activities, jobs. They're also carrying a heavy mental load, with a recent survey reporting that more than 80% of college students say that they're struggling emotionally somewhat. Fifty-nine percent are dealing with anxiety, 58% are experiencing burnout and 43% are coping with depression.

"People are struggling with a mental health crisis post-pandemic," said Todd Hastings, assistant professor of nursing. "We collectively need to better appreciate the vulnerability of our students around the state of their mental health and well-being."

Wilkes University offers support for any students who are struggling like their peers across the nation. Graduate students can access free and confidential teletherapy and wellness resources through a partnership with Uwill. Undergraduate students can make an appointment with the Counseling Center on campus or call 570-408-CHAT to talk to someone 24/7.

Even with resources readily available at no cost, people of all ages sometimes hesitate to reach out for help for a variety of reasons. The Green Bandana Project (GBP) hopes to change that. Launched at the University of Wisconsin in 2016, the nationwide peer-to-peer initiative focuses on increasing awareness of mental health and suicide prevention resources and removing the stigma around seeking mental health support.

The Green Bandana Project started at Wilkes University in April 2023. With Hastings as faculty advisor, GBP is built around bystander training for suicide prevention. In the training sessions, students learn a technique known as QPR - question, persuade, respond - that they can use when a peer in a mental health crisis needs help. Hastings compared QPR to CPR as the technique does not take the place of assistance from a professional but acts like first aid until the student gets connected to mental health resources.

Interested students complete roughly one hour of QPR bystander training, then take the GBP pledge to listen, support and share mental health help information without judgment. They display lime green bandanas on their bags or backpacks to let other students know they possess important mental health help information cards as resources for them. "It's a point of reference for people who want to get help," said Hastings.

The GBP cards the student members share contain both local and national contact information for obtaining mental health help. The students are also trained to encourage their peers struggling with psychosocial issues to follow through and seek help from a mental health professional. "The idea is to spread awareness and support a sense of inclusion, as well as to motivate anyone on campus to seek help." said Hastings. "The message is, 'You're not alone.'"

GBP typically has about 150 Wilkes members, including resident assistants and eMentors. Hastings hopes to add more trainees and would like to develop a peer education program. "We want to nurture it and spread it," he said.

GBP is not alone in its mission. The green bandanas were funded by a grant from Luzerne County Mental Health. The Office of Student Success offers support and encouragement. While details are strictly confidential, the Counseling Center does note that student visits result from GBP referrals.

"Mental health matters and there are resources out there. It's safe to get help on campus," says Hastings. "We need to have more conversations. We're all stakeholders in supporting each other."

For more information contact [email protected].

If you're a Wilkes student interested in a training session REGISTER HERE for 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, Thursday, Sept. 26 or Tuesday, Oct. 1. Sessions will be held in Stark Learning Center, Room 130.

If you or someone you know is in distress, contact:

Wilkes University Counseling Center | 570-408-4100
24/7 Support Line | 570-408-CHAT
Wilkes University Police | 570-408-4999
Help Line | 570-829-1341
National Suicide Prevention Line | 988 or chat at 988Lifeline.org
Crisis Text Line | Text HELLO or NAMI to 741741