Olivet Nazarene University

07/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/12/2024 07:49

2024 Freshman Orientation Keynote with LaMorris Crawford

"Holy Spirit, we invite you in this place. You will not be grieved, you will not be offended. We give you complete reign and authority," began LaMorris Crawford, setting a powerful and spiritual tone for the new student orientation. Crawford '06/'12 MOL, addressed a large audience of incoming freshmen and their parents at Centennial Hall.

Throughout his speech, Crawford emphasized the unique role each individual plays in God's plan. He shared, "You are the one, this is the place. Now is the time." This message resonated deeply with students making the transition from high school to college and their parents alike, reminding them that their presence at Olivet was not by chance but by divine design.

Crawford's storytelling captivated the audience as he recounted various Biblical narratives to illustrate his points. He spoke about the creation of Adam, emphasizing God's willingness to get involved in the messiness of human life. "When it came to man, He got His hands dirty," Crawford explained. "Don't tell me God cannot get in your mess. He's been getting His hands dirty since the garden."

He continued with the story of Noah, highlighting the faith and perseverance required to fulfill God's calling. "Noah, it's about to rain," Crawford recounted. "That brother was like, what's that? 100 years by faith, partnering with God to do something supernatural on the earth." His anecdote served as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and dedication in the face of uncertainty.

Crawford also touched on the story of Joseph, emphasizing the importance of holding onto one's dreams despite challenges. "Joseph, you are the one. This is the place. Now is the time," he declared, inspiring students to remain steadfast in their aspirations, no matter the obstacles they may face.

As he concluded his speech, Crawford brought the focus to the students and their journey ahead. "Let me tell you, students, this is the most cultivating season of character in your life," he said. "The world will allow you to have a gift and skip character, but God does not skip grades. If you fail the character test, you will repeat the grade."

Crawford's address was more than just a welcome speech; it was a call to action and a reminder of the divine purpose each student carries. His words left a lasting impression on everyone present, setting a hopeful and determined tone for the new academic year at Olivet Nazarene University.

To watch the full video, click here.

Seth Hurd

Seth Hurd ('06, '08 MOL, '12 M. Hist) is the founder of Manx Solutions. He lives in St. Louis, MO with his wife Amanda, and daughters Ava and Emery.