Suomen Eduskunta

03/28/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/29/2023 06:00

First Deputy Speaker’s speech to the Speaker at the closing of the electoral term

Published 3/29/2023 12:45 AM
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First Deputy Speaker's speech to the Speaker at the closing of the electoral term

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Mr Speaker,

Another electoral term is coming to an end. I wish to present to you, Mr Speaker, the warm greetings and respect of the Members of this Parliament. I also wish to thank Member of Parliament Anu Vehviläinen, who served as the Speaker for a lengthy period of this electoral term, for her time as the Speaker.

The Secretary-General of the Parliament and the entire staff, regardless of their individual tasks, are most deserving of the praise you gave them. Without the tenacity of this highly capable, competent and hard-working group of people, it would have been very difficult for the Parliament to cope well with the duties entrusted to it in the challenging, extremely exceptional circumstances of this electoral term.

I also wish to extend my separate thanks to the parliamentary groups for their ability to agree on and adapt to the restricted way of working we were forced to adopt during the coronavirus pandemic. It is probably the key reason behind the Parliament's ability to remain fully functional even during the most difficult times and created the basis for Finland and Finnish enterprises to make it through the worst times of the pandemic.

Compelled by the pandemic, we too, here in the parliamentary community, learned some of the ways of the digital realm. For a long time, remote working was the predominant way of working among officials and partly also the representatives. As did the rest of society, the Parliament made a significant digital leap during the pandemic.

What was also notable during the current term was the Parliament's ability-during a difficult time and with extensive cooperation that transcended any borders between the government and the opposition-to make large-scale and sometimes tough economic decisions, but also decisions that secured that most fundamental right of citizens: the right to live.

Mr Speaker,

I do not think any of us at the start of this electoral term was able to foresee what was about to happen. After the pandemic, Russia's illegal, brutal attack on Ukraine and its people, the war crimes committed by Russia collectively and some Russians individually, and the crimes against humanity have also given a serious blow to our own sense of security.

Due to the rapid change towards an unstable, unpreditable direction that took place in our neighbouring country, Russia, we have-very quickly, exceptionally quickly-changed our foreign and security policy from that of military non-alignment to alignment. At the same time, we have made substantial-also in the financial sense-decisions with the aim of strengthening our own defensive capabilities.

This was done with the broad support of the citizens and based on the decisions of a highly unanimous Parliament.

Mr Speaker,

With continuously increasing probability, in the coming months Finland will become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. The next Parliament is tasked with the important mission of defining what kind of a member country Finland will be, as the membership materialises. This discussion should get underway rapidly at the start of the electoral term as the Parliament following the elections begins its work.

The war in Ukraine continues, with no end in sight. Since last February, Finland has positioned itself as an active supporter of Ukraine and Ukrainians. This is natural for us as a nation that experienced something similar during World War II. It is also natural because the territory of an independent, sovereign state has been attacked unjustly and contrary to international law. We must not and cannot yield in the face of war crimes.

We Finns have the perseverance to support Ukrainians for as long as it takes. This is a stance that I believe, and know, will continue after the elections.

Mr Speaker,

Along with external affairs, we have an abundance of domestic issues that require swift yet well-considered solutions.

The many shocks we have experienced over the past few decades have also proved exceptionally tough on the public economy. The disparity between income and expenses is real and significant.

​It will take a great deal of wisdom for the next and future Parliaments to find economically, socially and ecologically sustainable solutions in the midst of our ageing population, low birth rate and global uncertainties. Solutions that are humane and just, and that carry the entire nation.

Mr Speaker,

In a few days' time, the nation will elect their representatives in a parliamentary election held in accordance with the Constitution of Finland to decide on the matters common to all Finnish people that are subject to a decision by society. I wish to say that despite the many tensions and subjects of disagreement with the capacity to raise passions, history will remember this electoral term for a nation capable of coping with difficult situations and making decisions. For that I wish to thank the outgoing Parliament.

Dear friends, esteemed colleagues,

In accordance with tradition, three cheers for the Republic of Finland. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

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Speakers of Parliament