German Federal Government

09/18/2024 | News release | Archived content

Greater security and stability in Iraq

Federal Armed Forces soldiers supporting the NATO Mission Iraq (NMI).

A number of Federal Armed Forces soldiers are listening to a lecture Bundeswehr/PAO NMI

The Federal Government has decided to continue the deployment of the Federal Armed Forces in Iraq for a further 15 months. The deployment is intended to permanently enable the regular Iraqi armed and security forces to guarantee security and stability in Iraq and prevent a resurgence of IS. The Federal Armed Forces will train and advise the armed and security forces to this end. The Iraqi government had requested the continuation of support from Germany, since the threat of IS is continuing.

The Bundestag still has to agree to the resolution. The current Federal Government mandate, Counter-Daesh/Capacity Building Iraq (CD/CB-I), expires on 31 October 2024. The essential content of the mandate remains unchanged, allowing for up to 500 soldiers of the Federal Armed Forces to be deployed in Iraq also in future.

One mandate - two missions

The mandate CD/CB-I (Counter-Daesh/Capacity Building Iraq) currently consists of two pillars: The Federal Armed Forces have been a participant in the international Anti-IS and stabilisation mission, Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), since 2015. Through OIR, they and their international partners have made important progress in the fight against the terrorist organisation IS in the last few years.

The Federal Armed Forces are also a participant of the NATO Mission Iraq (NMI), which promotes the development of capabilities of the regular Iraqi armed and security forces. The mandate extension applies to both missions.

The scope of functions of the Federal Armed Forces in Iraq comprises:

  • Air-to-air refuelling with tanker aircraft
  • Air transport for international organisations, allies and partners
  • Maritime and airspace surveillance as part of NATO's AWACS: Airborne Early Warning and Control System
  • Advisory support for international partners for the development of capabilities
  • Carrying out consultation and coordination tasks in Iraq
  • Development of capabilities of the regular Iraqi armed and security forces
  • Medical service and first aid tasks