City of Durham, NC

12/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 07:10

Watch City Life: Police and Fire Diverse Workforce Recruiting Practices

Watch City Life: Police and Fire Diverse Workforce Recruiting Practices

Hiring and maintaining a well-qualified workforce that mirrors the rich diversity of Durham is a priority for the City as a whole, but especially for our Police and Fire Departments. In our new City Life episode, Host Beverly B. Thompson talks with Fire Driver Tim McKoy and Police Sergeant Roger Lafferty about recruitment efforts and what they are doing to continue to attract a diverse and highly qualified pool of future public servants.

About City Life

City Life , a talk show that features information on current City of Durham issues and upcoming events, airs daily on Durham Television Network and on YouTube. City Life is also available as an audio podcast on iTunes and Spreaker. To subscribe or unsubscribe from our distribution list, visit our website.