Leeds Beckett University

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 07:07

Leeds Beckett graduates shine in King's Birthday Honours

Leeds Beckett graduates shine in King's Birthday Honours

02 July 2024
Four alumni from Leeds Beckett University have been recognised in the King's Birthday Honours.

Portland Building at Leeds Beckett University.

Stained glass artist Helen Whittaker, who completed a Foundation Degree in Business Management in 2012 has been awarded an MBE for her exceptional contributions to the creation and conservation of stained and architectural glass art.

With a career spanning over two decades, Helen's journey in stained glass art began during her MA studies in London, where she had the unique opportunity to train with the King, then Prince of Wales, under the Prince's Foundation.

One of her notable pieces includes a special stained glass window at St Lawrence's Church, commissioned by York's Normandy Veterans to commemorate the D-Day landings.

Dr Hannah Dee, a senior lecturer in computer science at Aberystwyth University, has been awarded an MBE for her services to technology and women in the Information Technology sector.

Dr Dee, who graduated with a Certificate in French Studies in 2013, founded the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium,a national conference for women students of computing. She holds a PhD in AI and has over 20 years of experience in teaching and research, focusing on diversity in computing, bias in AI, and the impact of technology on education and the profession.

Duncan Beckley, a revered senior band music director, has been awarded an MBE for his lifelong dedication to music. Duncan attended Leeds Beckett in 2012, attaining his MA inTeaching and Learning.

He started his musical journey with the FlugelHorn and later mastered the Tuba. Duncan's passion for brass bands has seen him succeed remarkably, having conducted and trained bands across Great Britain, earning over 100 awards and trophies.

He has spent over two decades teaching across West Yorkshire schools and has led numerous bands, including the Horbury Victoria Bandto a Championship section-graded band.

Carl Woollins, who completed a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems has been awarded an OBE for his services to the Chemicals Industry. As managing director of Nippon Gases, his leadership and expertise have been instrumental in driving innovation and efficiency in the field.