City of DeKalb, IL

12/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 15:05

Condensed Environmental Assessment

The City of DeKalb intends to undertake the following proposed action, referred to as the Installation of a Solar Field, at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport (DKB): Install a series of solar panels supported by in-ground metal beams; place slab-on-grade pads for support equipment; and construct a paved, private access road to connect with the east-west segment of Pleasant St.

We are providing an opportunity for a public meeting. A public meeting will only be held if someone requests one. In the event a request for a public meeting is made by the specified date, a Notice of Public Meeting will be published in this same newspaper. If a meeting is held, we will address the proposed actions' potential economic, social, and environmental impacts. In addition, we will address the project's consistency with the goals and objectives of the affected area's land use or planning strategy.

Those wishing to request a public meeting on the project must make their request by email or letter no later than December 17, 2024 at an address below.

Potentially affected environmental resources include biological and water resources, including potential wetlands and Waters of the U.S. The proposed action is anticipated to encroach on three small wetlands located on existing DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport property. Impacts are anticipated to be approximately 211 square feet. The proposed action conforms to applicable state and/or local wetland protection standards and all measures to minimize harm will be included in the project.

The Draft Condensed Environmental Assessment (CEA) evaluating the proposed action's impacts will be available for public review beginning December 2, 2024 through December 17, 2024. The Draft CEA is available for online viewing on the Airport's website by clicking here. A hard copy is available at the airport's administrative office. Those wishing to provide comments must do so by email or letter to an address below no later than December 17, 2024.

Andy Raih
Director of Streets, Facilities & Airport
1316 Market St
DeKalb, IL 60115
[email protected]


David Salgado, P.E.
Section Chief of Airport Programming, Planning and Environment
1 Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, IL 62707
[email protected]

Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your entire comment, including your personal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.