Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A

24/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 24/07/2024 16:59

Asset Backed Issuer Distribution Report Form 10 D

Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A
Monthly Servicing Report
Collection Period June 2024
Distribution Date 07/15/24
Transaction Month 28
30/360 Days 30
Actual/360 Days 28
Cut off Date: February 2, 2022
Closing Date: March 16, 2022
Dollars Units WAC WARM
Original Pool Balance: $ 1,583,031,004.06 64,842 3.40 % 57.73
Original Adj. Pool Balance: $ 1,503,552,585.34
Amount % of Pool Note Rate Final Payment Date
Class A-1 Notes Fixed $ 284,400,000.00 17.966 % 0.72421 % March 15, 2023
Class A-2-A Notes Fixed $ 424,000,000.00 26.784 % 1.81000 % February 18, 2025
Class A-2-B Notes Floating $ 95,000,000.00 6.001 % SOFR + 0.63 % February 18, 2025
Class A-3 Notes Fixed $ 484,200,000.00 30.587 % 2.22000 % October 15, 2026
Class A-4 Notes Fixed $ 106,200,000.00 6.709 % 2.35000 % April 17, 2028
Class B Notes Fixed $ 27,100,000.00 1.712 % 2.62000 % April 17, 2028
Class C Notes Fixed $ 45,100,000.00 2.849 % 2.97000 % October 16, 2028
Total Securities $ 1,466,000,000.00 92.607 %
Overcollateralization $ 37,552,585.34 2.372 %
YSOA $ 79,478,418.72 5.021 %
Total Original Pool Balance $ 1,583,031,004.06 100.00 %
Beginning of Period Ending of Period Change
Balance Note Factor Balance Note Factor
Class A-1 Notes $ - - $ - - $ -
Class A-2-A Notes $ - - $ - - $ -
Class A-2-B Notes $ - - $ - - $ -
Class A-3 Notes $ 304,340,568.68 0.6285431 $ 278,978,173.05 0.5761631 $ 25,362,395.63
Class A-4 Notes $ 106,200,000.00 1.0000000 $ 106,200,000.00 1.0000000 $ -
Class B Notes $ 27,100,000.00 1.0000000 $ 27,100,000.00 1.0000000 $ -
Class C Notes $ 45,100,000.00 1.0000000 $ 45,100,000.00 1.0000000 $ -
Total Securities $ 482,740,568.68 0.3292910 $ 457,378,173.05 0.3119906 $ 25,362,395.63
Weighted Avg. Coupon (WAC) 3.43 % 3.45 %
Weighted Avg. Remaining Maturity (WARM) 31.56 30.71
Pool Receivables Balance $ 548,618,826.90 $ 521,870,214.22
Remaining Number of Receivables 42,399 41,581
Adjusted Pool Balance $ 527,847,146.24 $ 502,484,750.61
Principal Collections $ 26,288,766.69
Repurchased Contract Proceeds Related to Principal $ -
Recoveries/Liquidation Proceeds $ 529,213.96
Total Principal Collections $ 26,817,980.65
Interest Collections $ 1,560,034.09
Late Fees & Other Charges $ 58,988.56
Interest on Repurchase Principal $ -
Total Interest Collections $ 1,619,022.65
Collection Account Interest $ 115,621.19
Reserve Account Interest $ 16,017.68
Servicer Advances $ -
Total Collections $ 28,568,642.17
2022A Report 1 of 4
Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A
Monthly Servicing Report
Collection Period June 2024
Distribution Date 07/15/24
Transaction Month 28
30/360 Days 30
Actual/360 Days 28
Total Collections $ 28,568,642.17
Reserve Account Release $ -
Reserve Account Draw $ -
Total Available for Distribution $ 28,568,642.17
Amount Due Interest Pymt Due
but unpaid from prior
Amount Paid
1. Servicing Fee @1.00%:
Servicing Fee Due 1.00 % $ 457,182.36 $ - $ 457,182.36 457,182.36
Collection & Reserve Account Interest $ 131,638.87
Late Fees & Other Charges $ 58,988.56
Total due to Servicer $ 647,809.79
2. Class A Noteholders Interest:
Class A-1 Notes $ - $ -
Class A-2-A Notes $ - $ -
Class A-2-B Notes $ - $ -
Class A-3 Notes $ 563,030.05 $ 563,030.05
Class A-4 Notes $ 207,975.00 $ 207,975.00
Total Class A interest: $ 771,005.05 $ 771,005.05 771,005.05
3. First Priority Principal Distribution: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00
4. Class B Noteholders Interest: $ 59,168.33 $ 59,168.33 59,168.33
5. Second Priority Principal Distribution: $ 0.00 $ - 0.00
6. Class C Noteholders Interest: $ 111,622.50 $ 111,622.50 111,622.50
Available Funds Remaining: $ 26,979,036.50
7. Regular Principal Distribution Amount: 25,362,395.63
Distributable Amount Paid Amount
Class A-1 Notes $ -
Class A-2-A Notes $ -
Class A-2-B Notes $ -
Class A-3 Notes $ 25,362,395.63
Class A-4 Notes $ -
Class A Notes Total: $ 25,362,395.63 $ 25,362,395.63
Class B Notes Total: $ - $ -
Class C Notes Total: $ - $ -
Total Noteholders Principal $ 25,362,395.63 $ 25,362,395.63
8. Required Deposit to Reserve Account 0.00
9. Trustee Expenses and Asset Representations Reviewer Expenses 0.00
10. Remaining Available Collections Released to Certificateholder 1,616,640.87
Beginning Period Required Amount $ 20,771,680.66
Beginning Period Amount $ 20,771,680.66
Current Period Amortization $ 1,386,217.05
Ending Period Required Amount $ 19,385,463.61
Ending Period Amount $ 19,385,463.61
Next Distribution Date Required Amount $ 18,050,673.88
2022A Report 2 of 4
Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A
Monthly Servicing Report
Collection Period June 2024
Distribution Date 07/15/24
Transaction Month 28
30/360 Days 30
Actual/360 Days 28
Reserve Percentage of Initial Adjusted Pool Balance 0.25 %
Beginning Period Required Amount $ 3,758,881.46
Beginning Period Amount $ 3,758,881.46
Current Period Release to Collection Account $ -
Current Period Deposit $ -
Current Period Release to Depositor $ -
Ending Period Required Amount (0.25% of APB of cut-off date) $ 3,758,881.46
Ending Period Amount $ 3,758,881.46
Overcollateralization Target 3.00 %
Overcollateralization Floor 3.00 %
Beginning Ending Target
Overcollateralization Amount $ 45,106,577.56 $ 45,106,577.56 $ 45,106,577.56
Overcollateralization as a % of Original Adjusted Pool 3.00 % 3.00 % 3.00 %
Overcollateralization as a % of Current Adjusted Pool 8.55 % 8.98 % 8.98 %
Delinquent Receivables Units Percent Units Dollars Percent Amount
Current 98.47 % 40,943 97.74 % $ 510,057,569.94
30 - 60 Days 1.18 % 492 1.73 % $ 9,011,681.12
61 - 90 Days 0.30 % 126 0.46 % $ 2,412,349.69
91-120 Days 0.05 % 19 0.07 % $ 375,698.59
121 + Days 0.00 % 1 0.00 % $ 12,914.88
Total 41,581 $ 521,870,214.22
Delinquent Receivables 30+ Days Past Due
Current Period 1.53 % 638 2.26 % $ 11,812,644.28
1st Preceding Collection Period 1.49 % 632 2.21 % $ 12,147,751.28
2nd Preceding Collection Period 1.42 % 616 2.14 % $ 12,341,410.28
3rd Preceding Collection Period 1.49 % 656 2.21 % $ 13,381,991.22
Four-Month Average 1.48 % 2.21 %
Ratio of 61+ Delinquency Receivables Balance to EOP Pool Balance 0.54 %
Delinquency Percentage exceeds Delinquency Trigger of 9.6% (Y/N) No
Repossession in Current Period 25 $ 468,043.14
Repossession Inventory 54 $ 1,107,846.06
Current Charge-Offs
Gross Principal of Charge-Offs $ 459,845.99
Recoveries $ (529,213.96 )
Net Loss $ (69,367.97 )
Ratio of Current Net Loss to Beginning Pool Balance (annualized) -0.15 %
Average Pool Balance for Current Period $ 535,244,520.56
Ratio of Current Net Loss to Average Pool Balance (annualized)
Current Period -0.16 %
1st Preceding Collection Period 0.66 %
2nd Preceding Collection Period 0.23 %
3rd Preceding Collection Period 0.70 %
Four-Month Average 0.36 %
Cumulative Charge-Offs Change in units from
prior period
Cumulative Units Cumulative Amount
Gross Principal of Charge-Offs 34 1,120 $ 23,120,875.95
Recoveries 39 849 $ (11,177,638.88 )
Net Loss $ 11,943,237.07
Cumulative Net Loss as a % of Initial Pool Balance 0.75 %
Net Loss for Receivables that have experienced a Net Loss * 32 986 $ 11,943,237.07
Average Net Loss for Receivables that have experienced a Net Loss $ 12,112.82
Principal Balance of Extensions $ 2,972,678.34
Number of Extensions 159
* Excludes receivables with recovered amounts equal to or in excess of principal charge-offs due to the recovery of assessments, such as interest and fees.
2022A Report 3 of 4
Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A
Monthly Servicing Report
Collection Period June 2024
Distribution Date 07/15/24
Transaction Month 28
30/360 Days 30
Actual/360 Days 28
There were no material changes in the retained interest in the transaction.
There were no SOFR Adjustment Conforming Changes during the reporting period.
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