Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 05:06

Remarks by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan at the Forum of Small States Reception in New York, 26 September 2024

Thank you for being here.

1. I think you would all agree this is a challenging time for all small states. Geopolitical tensions polarise the work of the UN (United Nations). There is a growing tendency towards unilateralism and if you think about it, that is unhealthy, inimical for small states. Big powers, big states have the option of going on their own, imposing their will, especially on those who are smaller, immediately around them. None of us here have that option.

2. And yet, there are also new opportunities in new areas emerging. For instance, Artificial Intelligence, digital technologies, outer space, deep sea waters and seabeds, and again there, the issue of fairness and equity for small states also arises.

3. The good news is that even small states do have latitude. We do have autonomy and the key point is that we are not simply passive by-standers of our fates. But in order to make a difference, we need to make common cause, we have to work together, and in that spirit, there are just three points I wanted to make.

4. First, if you think about the adoption of the Pact of the Future just last weekend, I think you will agree that the FOSS did play a pivotal role in making it happen. It is important that the document has been settled. But now the hard part, the implementation, I think it will depend on small states stepping up to the line and making things happen and to get it implemented.

5. The secondpoint is about upholding international law and the principles of the UN Charter which are really essential for peace and security, especially for small states. Even as we speak, we know that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) often gets deadlocked and things which ought to be done cannot get done. It beholds all of us, since we form a majority at the UN General Assembly, to then stand up and be counted, and to play a role in trying to secure peace and security for people all over the world and to engage, especially in preventive diplomacy.

6. The thirdpoint is that the world has changed tremendously since the UN was first created and we need to make sure it is fit for purpose. The Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations are important outcomes of the recent Summit of the Future. This is a roadmap which will hopefully close the digital divide and build capacity, especially for small states like us.

7. Singapore is committed to capacity-building and that is why we launched the Digital FOSS back in 2022 aimed at providing an arena for small states to get together, exchange ideas, support one another, especially on the journey of digital transformation.

8. I want to conclude by thanking you for being here and to thank you in advance for the work that we are going to do in the future to secure space and opportunities for all of us as small states. And that we can continue to have the freedom to make choices, to set our own destinies. The best way to do it is by rafting ourselves together and thereby making sure we have the maximum options, maximum room for maneuver, even though there are many big ships right now, perhaps sometimes engaging in rather dangerous maneuvers.

9. On that note, thank you once again and we will continue to work closely together. Thank you.

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