Sage Group plc

07/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2024 11:18

How to unlock AI’s potential in your accounting practice

"AI won't replace accountants, but accountants who do not use AI will run the risk of missing out on key opportunities. It's about augmentation, not replacement, elevating your role to new heights."

As AI is increasingly used across businesses, accounting and bookkeeping professionals face a range of challenges and choices around AI tech.

Already, these tech advancements have positively affected many firms. However, navigating these new waters and making the most impactful decisions around AI adoption can be difficult.

In this new age, AI adopters stand to make substantial gains in saving time and enhancing client relationships.

Automate your routine

One of the main advantages of AI is its ability to automate everyday tasks. This frees up professionals to engage more deeply with their clients face-to-face. For example, in accounting, AI can handle transaction categorisation and invoice processing. This speeds up operations and also reduces the likelihood of errors in areas where human oversight is crucial but time-consuming. Such enhancements in processes can help you position yourself as a leader in efficiency, resulting in better client service.

Embrace change

The shift towards AI in accounting is driven by the need to move beyond the daily grind of manual tasks to focus on more strategic and advisory roles. Generative AI-a type of AI that can create new content, such as images, text, or music, based on existing data-goes a step further. By not only automating tasks but also generating new insights, GenAI's results can lead to more informed decision-making.

As a leader, standing out requires you not just to keep up with the times but show your peers and employees the way forward. Integrating AI into your practice allows you to improve your operational efficiency and elevate your role in your clients' success. This journey towards a more insightful, proactive, and client-focussed practice is not just beneficial-it's essential.

Enhance client relationships

AI can amplify the human touch in accounting. Tools such as Sage Copilot, a GenAI-powered productivity assistant, exemplify this by offering real-time, actionable insights that can improve your client interactions. This type of AI works as a trusted assistant, handling administrative and repetitive tasks in real-time, while recommending ways to make savings and drive business improvements, which you can then work on with your clients.

By handling the more data-intensive tasks with AI, the strategic advice tailored to each client's unique needs that only you can offer, strengthens your client relationships and becomes your unique selling point (USP).

A roadmap to adoption

As accountants or bookkeepers, following a practical roadmap can help integrate AI into your accounting practice. Understanding everything from the "what" to the "how" is essential in building trust both internally and with your clients. Step-by-step guidance can help you determine the best ways to implement AI tools, from automated data-entry systems to advanced predictive analytics. Discover how to:

  1. Explore and adopt AI tools and features. Learn how to use AI solutions like AP Automation, auto-categorisation, automated data entry, bank feed rules, and tax determination engines to reduce manual processing time, enhance accuracy, and allow more time for client interaction.
  1. Put Sage Copilot to work. Elevate your role as a true strategic partner to your clients by creating time to focus on your practice. Use a new generative AI-powered assistant that tackles your to-do list, automates tasks, and recommends ways to help you engage with clients, make decisions, and drive improvements.
  1. Educate your team. Foster a thorough understanding of new AI tools among your team through workshops, webinars, and training sessions. Focus on enhancing client communication, problem-solving, and developing teamwork skills to maximise the benefits of AI in your practice.
  1. Prioritise security and privacy. Choose AI solutions with strong security protocols to protect sensitive data. Ensure that your tools comply with the latest data protection regulations and communicate the security measures to your clients to build trust.
  1. Advise clients on AI benefits. Educate clients about the efficiencies and insights provided by AI, showcasing real-world examples and successes to encourage adoption. Highlight how AI can save time, reduce errors, and enhance business operations.
  1. Monitor and adjust strategies. Continuously assess the effectiveness of AI tools in your practice and client businesses. Be proactive in adjusting your strategies to optimise tool capabilities you'll ensure they deliver the expected benefits.

Continuous innovation

The potential of AI extends beyond its current applications. As AI technology evolves, it promises to bring about continuous accounting innovations, such as real-time data processing and advanced forecasting accessible anywhere, at any time. These developments will enable you to offer ongoing value through more frequent and precise insights into your clients' financial health, turning the traditional accounting cycle on its head.

Final thoughts

As our e-book demonstrates, integrating AI doesn't just enhance operational efficiency-it helps position you as a strategic advisor, indispensable to your clients' success. The transition to a more strategic role can significantly enrich your professional life, reduce stress and burnout, and make your work more impactful and valued.

To discover more about using AI in your practice and to begin transforming it into a more human-centred, technology-driven firm, download our e-book today.