Carol Miller

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/18/2024 09:10

Miller Gives Remarks at Roundtable on Tourism in West Virginia and Visits New River Ranch Children's Home

July 18, 2024

Washington, D.C. - Yesterday, Congresswoman Miller (R-WV) visited ACE Adventure Resort to participate in a roundtable on tourism and discuss key issues in Congress. She later met with staff from New River Ranch Children's Home and toured the campus.

Congresswoman Miller gave remarks on tourism in West Virginia and listened to local officials and leaders on challenges and successes they are experiencing.

"Discussing tourism in our great state during yesterday's roundtable was so insightful. With attractions like ACE Adventure Resort and the boom from the New River Gorge National Park designation, there is so much for tourists and locals to do and see. Our beautiful state offers fun activities for the entire family and ways to bolster our state's economy. I was also able to highlight the work my Supply Chains Tax Team has been focused on and the impact it has on business. I am blessed to represent the First District of West Virginia, and I will continue to work on legislation that benefits our communities," said Congresswoman Miller.

Congresswoman Miller toured the New River Ranch Children's Home, which offers residential group home care and behavioral health services to children ages 10-18.

"As a mother of two children and grandmother of seven grandchildren, their safety and wellbeing are always front of mind. The sad reality that there are children who don't have a home or who are mistreated in their home is heartbreaking. This has been an issue in my state for decades as we have thousands of children who are placed in foster care. 53% of our foster children are cared for by their relatives, typically their grandparents. New River Ranch Children's Home is an important part of the community who offers hope and services to abused, homeless, or at-risk-youth in West Virginia. I am very thankful for this organization and for their passion to help serve those who are most vulnerable," said Congresswoman Miller.


Congresswoman Miller at the roundtable at ACE Adventure Resort


Congresswoman Miller at New River Ranch Children's Home
