Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

09/20/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Deputy Minister of National Defence Giannis Kefalogiannis Visits Limnos and Aghios Efstratios

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Deputy Minister of National Defence Giannis Kefalogiannis Visits Limnos and Aghios Efstratios

September 20, 2024


On Thursday, 19 September 2024, the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Giannis Kefalogiannis, accompanied by the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, visited Limnos, where he was welcomed by the Commanding General of the 88thMilitary Command, Brigadier General Alexandros Koufopoulos. The MP for Lesvos Mr. Charalampos Athanasioualso attended.

Mr. Kefalogiannis went to the 130thAir Combat Group, where he was welcomed by its Commander, Colonel (HAF) Andreas Balafas, and met with the personnel serving in the fighter readiness forces, as well as with the SUPER PUMA helicopter alert crew, and was briefed on operational matters.

He then visited the headquarters of the 88thMilitary Command of Lesvos at Camp "Kountouriotis" and was briefed on its organisation, structure, mission, and current activities.

At the Myrina Officers' Club, he met and discussed with National Guardsmen of the National Guard Battalion of Limnos, thanking them for their selfless contribution to the protection of our country's territorial integrity. At the same time, he stressed the importance laid by the Ministry of National Defence on the National Guard through the recent new legal framework which constitutes a valuable tool for its upgrade and development and provides capabilities that improve all aspects of the Strategy for the National Guard.

The Deputy Minister met with the three Air Force Staff Sergeants assigned as ambulance drivers by the Ministry of National Defence and congratulated them for their great work.

Subsequently, accompanied by His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Limnos and Aghios Efstratios Mr. Ierotheos III, he went to the "AGHIOS EFSTRATIOS" Surveillance Outpost, where he was given a tour of its facilities and briefed on its staffing, while he also discussed with its career personnel and enlisted soldiers.

Mr. Kefalogiannis met with the Mayor of Limnos Ms. Eleonora Georga, the Mayor of Aghios Efstratios Mr. Konstantinos Sinatis, and the Eparch of Limnos Mr. Apostolos Koutsogiannis, with whom he discussed local matters, while he also visited the "MAROULA" Memorial (ANZAC PATH).

After the visits, the Deputy Minister of National Defence made the following statement:

"From the remote Aghios Efstratios and Limnos, two islands of great strategic importance for our country, I had the opportunity to express the gratitude of the political leadership of the Ministry of National Defence to the women and men of the Armed Forces for their unwavering devotion to the utmost duty of the protection of our territorial integrity.

I visited the 130thAir Combat Group, the 88thMilitary Command of Lesvos, and the "AGHIOS EFSTRATIOS" Surveillance Outpost, where, after being briefed on their activities and work, I discussed with the personnel, National Guardsmen from the National Guard Battalion of Limnos, as well as with the three Air Force Staff Sergeants we have assigned as ambulance drivers, stressing the State's pride for their quality, character, and professionalism.

The purpose of my visit was not at all ceremonial. It was essential, because I believe there is a great obligation to visit remote areas in order for local communities and our personnel to better understand that we actually stand beside them, we listen to the matters they bring to our attention, and be able to resolve them. Besides, in the following days, a medical team of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff will visit the area and this is further proof that the Ministry of National Defence stands beside remote areas of Greece with actions.

With a coherent framework of reforms, we actually upgrade the Armed Forces and send a clear message of readiness and deterrence. Implementing actions aimed at supporting the income, upgrading the training, and facilitating everyday life, we always acknowledge the importance of our personnel, who are our most important weapon system and indisputable force multiplier".