Georgia Forestry Commission

10/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/09/2024 02:13

Farewell from Tim Lowrimore

What is it about change that sparks such a range of emotions? The mix of sadness and excitement that accompanies new opportunities and challenges is something we've all experienced - and, I'm experiencing this right now.

As I step down from my position as Director of the Georgia Forestry Commission, I'm filled with immense gratitude for the strides we've made together over the past four years. With the support of every employee, our customers, partners, and fellow Georgians, we've truly made a difference. Through our collective efforts we've reduced turnover and increased salaries. We've instituted meaningful career ladders for our rangers, reduced redundancies for key leadership positions, and strengthened our impact on the communities we serve. We've made solid progress while remaining committed to our mission, never failing to respond to our customers, our state, or our colleagues across the country when help was needed.

Best of all, I see around me a group of dedicated employees who selflessly give their all to the agency. I thank you for the trust and friendship you've shown me. As GFC transitions to new leadership, I'm confident you are in the best of hands with Johnny Sabo at the helm. He has quickly become a friend and someone I've gained great respect for in a short period. He's passionate about this agency. He's passionate about the opportunity to be a forestry leader in the #1 forestry state in the nation. Now, more than ever, I encourage you to lean into your role and be the best team member you can. If you continue to perform at a high level, I'm convinced the agency's best days will be ahead under Johnny's leadership.

The opportunity to step into the lead role at the Georgia Forestry Association is one that I believe will bring even more prominence to our industry in the years to come. I look forward to the exciting challenges that lie ahead in keeping Georgia the #1 Forestry State in the Nation. And I assure you, the experiences GFC has afforded me will serve GFA and our extended forestry family well. Don't forget, your biggest champion is not far away, and I look forward to seeing you and supporting this remarkable agency and its stakeholders for a long time.

Please continue to keep safety top of mind as you go about everything you do. Your health and your family are the greatest treasures of all. We're on an amazing ride and I'm deeply grateful for the time we have shared!