Dubbo Regional Council

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 21:53



Councillors met at 5.30pm on 27 June 2024 for the Dubbo Regional Council Ordinary Council meeting at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre.

During the meeting the following outcomes were made:


- Report of the Infrastructure, Planning and Environment Committee meeting on 13 June.

- Report of the Cultural and Committee meeting on 13 June.

- Report of the Corporate Service Services Committee meeting of 13 June.

Councillors adopted the minutes from the above meeting except for the following items:

MODIFIED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION, 4L CAMP ROAD DUBBO: Councillors approved the modified development application and removed the condition to retire the biodiversity credit requirements.


ORGANISATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN - RESULTS OF PUBLIC EXHIBITION:Council adopted the Organisational Sustainability Review and Improvement Plan which will start from 1 July 2024. The progress on improvements in the plan will be provided to Council and the community bi-annually as part of the progress reporting for the Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

UPDATE REPORT - MODIFIED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION, 4L CAMP ROAD DUBBO: Council considered the updated information when considering the decision that was previously presented to the Infrastructure, Planning and Environmental Committee meeting on 13 June.


MULTICULTURAL GARDEN PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Council adopted to call for two concepts for the proposed Multicultural Garden to be put to public consultation to assist Council on a design and inform a future business case to source funding for the gardens.

NOTICE OF MOTION - SCABBING FLAT BRIDGE: Councillors called an initial assessment for the feasibility of a new bridge across the Macquarie River near Geurie to be shared with Transport for NSW. The initial assessment could include the current and suitability of the existing timber bridge; the ownership and responsibility for maintenance and replacement of the bridge; the historical significance of the existing bridge and the preservation benefits which would flow from early replacement of the bridge; the need for a replacement bridge capable of conveying B-Double trucks and the estimated costs of a replacement bridge.


DETERMINATION OF THE OPERATIONAL MODEL FOR DUBBO REGIONAL LIVESTOCK MARKETS (DRLM): Councillors noted that the operating model of the DRLM is, in part, discordant with current legislation, including the Public Private Partnership provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and associated regulations and matters concerning the Competition and Consumer Act 2022.

Council determined the operating model for the DRLM be a Council managed operating model that makes changes to the status quo.

Under the changes to the status quo the fees for the throughput of animals will be structured to realise an additional $1,000,000 in additional revenue per annum in today's dollars with the per animal charge for cattle to be $16 and sheep be $2. Council will also have responsibility for the activities described in the report as Modified Status Quo that is consistent with the Forbes Shire Council livestock Markets operating model, noting this would take some existing responsibilities from the DSSA and additional revenue will be reserved in a restricted fund for asset renewal of the DRLM.

Council and Dubbo Stock and Station Association (DSSA) will collaborate to deliver the modified status quo over the next six months and Council will develop and implement an operational improvement plan in conjunction with stakeholders.

It was noted that all operating models proposed are consistent with legal advice obtained as part of the service review as to how Council can meet its current legislative and regulatory obligations.

It was also noted that any greenfield development, within the footprint of the DRLM parcel of land, shall be funded by borrowings offset by fees and charges at the DRLM. Any grants would reduce the quantum of borrowings required.

DRAFT 2024/2025 BUDGET, OPERATIONAL PLAN AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS - RESULTS OF PUBLIC EXHIBITION:The submission received by Council during the public exhibition were noted.

Council determined that a $30,000 allocation for the Concept of the Dubbo Indoor Aquatic Leisure Centre be funded from operational savings.

Funding allocation for a full-time community safety officer position be considered following the adoption of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan.

A new descriptive charge be included in the 2024/2025 Fees and Charges for water access and usage charges at North Yeoval to reflect the Cabonne Shire Council adopted fees and charges.

Councillors determined that in relation to the Cameron Park Toilets that no determination on the funding options for Cameron Park Toilets be made and that a further report be brought to a future meeting of Council which includes detailed drawings and costings for alternative configurations to increase the number of toilets as well as alternative funding models, including the Voluntary Planning Agreement for the Uungula Wind Farm.

Councillors also determined that funding allocated for the provision of toilet facilities at new Dubbo and Wellington lawn cemeteries be brought from year 2 and 3 to years 1 and 2 respectively.

Council adopted the documents to start operation on 1 July 2024, including the 2024/2025 Delivery Program and Operational Plan; the 2024/2025 Budget and Forward Forecasts for 2025/2026, 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 including Capital Expenditure; 2024/2025 Fees and Charges; 2024/2025 Statement of Revenue Policy; Draft 2024/2025 Resourcing Strategy and 2024/2025 Macquarie Regional Library Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges. The draft documents will be amended to include the recommendations of Council, minor clarifications and correct typographical errors and those who made submissions will be advised of Council's determination in this matter.

MAKING OF THE RATES AND CHARGES: It was resolved that Council make the rates and annual charges for the year 2024/2025 to be the amount specified in the report and the user charges for the year 2024/2025 as referred to in the report.

DELEGATIONS TO CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DURING NON-COUNCIL PERIOD:Council delegated additional functions to the CEO, including Power of Attorney, for the period of 14 September to 2 October, due to the Local Government Elections. Any use of the extended delegations will be reported to the new council on 24 October, 2024.

PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE DUBBO REGIONAL LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2022:Council will support the preparation of a planning proposal to amend the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022 to include a permit residential accommodation in the E2 Commercial Centre Zone and to change the minimum lot size area for Lot 103 Pinedale Road Dubbo from 8Ha to 5Ha. Following the completion of the public exhibition period a further report will be presented to Council for consideration.

DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION D23-500 - COMMERCIAL PREMISES (SHOPPING CENTRE) LOT 101 DP 1302321, 2 STREAM AVENUE DUBBO:Council approved the development application for a shopping centre at 2 Stream Avenue, Dubbo to be approved subject to conditions.

2024 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE CUSTOMER SURVEY RESULTS; AND DRAFT 2024-2026 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN:Councillors noted the 2024 Water Supply and Sewerage Services Customer Satisfaction Survey Results and endorsed the draft 2024-2026 Water Supply and Sewerage Services Customer Service Plan be endorsed for public exhibition with a report back to Council following exhibition.

QUESTION ON NOTICE - PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO ORANA MALL ON MITCHELL HIGHWAY AND WHEELERS LANE:A report on Council's plans for a foot over bridge or crossing lights at both sides of Orana Mall, on Wheelers Lane and Mitchell Highway was presented.

CONFIDENTIAL: EVALUATION OF THE DUBBO REGIONAL LIVESTOCK MARKETS EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTS:Council considered the detail contained within the report when considering the DRLM decision, with the information in the report remaining confidential to Council.

Last Edited: 28 Jun 2024