Indiana University of Pennsylvania

09/11/2024 | Press release | Archived content

IUP Earns Silver Seal from All In Campus Democracy Challenge

Indiana University of Pennsylvania has been recognized by a national nonpartisan organization for its campus voting rate.

IUP earned a Silver Seal from the All In Campus Democracy Challenge, based on the university's 2022 campus voting rate as documented by the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement report compiled by Tufts University.

A Silver Seal means that IUP's campus voting rate, reported to the NSLVE study, falls between 30 and 39 percent. Nationally, voter rate for the mid-term election was just over 52 percent, according to the United States Census.

IUP has been a member of the All In program since 2018. More than 1,200 campuses participated in the challenge for 2022.

"Members across the IUP community are working collaboratively to build upon the university's voting rate," IUP Director of Student Leadership Donovan Daniel said. "Our goal is to encourage at least 70 percent of our student population to register and vote in this year's election. That would earn the university a gold seal.

"Our efforts include featuring two Six O'Clock series events, filming videos with student leaders, partnering with community leaders and local election officials, registering students to vote, and relaunching the non-partisan student organization IUP Votes," he said.