Dakota State University

11/25/2018 | Press release | Archived content

Cricket Club provides life balance for grad students

November 25, 2018

Today's technology fields are exciting, but several Dakota State University technology graduate students also like to spend time on another field - a cricket field.

"We have a passion for cricket," said Rajesh Godasu, president of the club. His own interest in the baseball-like sport prompted him to find other cricket players at DSU, all students from India who are master's students in data analytics or doctoral candidates in information systems.

Team members agree that the love of cricket is in their roots, as they have been brought up with it. Many look up to sports role models such as the "God of cricket" Sachin Tendulkar.

"We are all really motivated with the game," said Ganga Basyal, club vice president. While they are all busy with their academics, the sport gives a balance to their work and study, he said.

The club has played in tournaments in Sioux Falls and Omaha, and even held a cricket game earlier this fall in Madison.

"It was probably the first-ever cricket game in Madison," Godasu said. "We give credit to Madison, because the city was very helpful providing us access to Flynn Field (the city's baseball field)."

The university has been supportive as well, with the Provost's office providing funds for the club's travel and for team t-shirts.

When Dr. Scott McKay, provost and vice president for academic affairs, learned about their interest in the sport, he suggested they form a club to give them a sense of community.

"This is a great way for them to get together and travel and socialize through the region, and a great way for them to feel connected to the university," he said.

The club members plan to practice indoors this winter, focusing on basics such as fielding, batting, and balling. "Work on these fundamentals will show in league matches next summer," Godasu said.

"I like the fact that we're growing as a team," he added.

Photo caption: Members and friends of the DSU Cricket Club include: RamTeja Kantipudi (back left); Bojja Giridhar; club vice president Ganga Basyal; Provost Scott McKay; Piyush Vyas; Hemanth Kota; Director of International Programs Nicole Claussen (front left); Prashanth Gurappagari; club treasurer Kaushik Nagarajan, club captain and president Rajesh Godasu, vice president Loknath Sai Ambati, club secretary Akhilesh Chauhan.


There are eleven players in cricket; it uses ball that is about the size of a tennis ball, but harder, so players do wear pads and helmets. The bat is similar to a baseball bat, but flat. There are also widgets that are used with the scoring system. A cricket match is played in innings, but as in baseball, the length of time varies depending on how long it takes to get players "out." There are three formats for cricket, and matches can last for days.