USW - United Steelworkers

22/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 22/07/2024 21:03

Rapid Response Action Call: Massachusetts Steelworkers: We Need to Act Fast

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Jul 22, 2024

Rapid Response Action Call: Massachusetts Steelworkers: We Need to Act Fast

Click here to download this Action Call as a PDF.

USW members have long led the fight within the labor movement to help both America and the world meet important climate goals, while also creating and maintaining good, family-supporting jobs in our union. However, not all legislation shares these goals and right now the Massachusetts legislature is pushing policies that are short-sighted, rushed, and premature.

The Massachusetts Senate recently passed S2838. This bill strips both the "obligation to serve" (a requirement of the state to continue to allow gas companies to provide gas connections) and the Gas Safety Enhancement Program (GSEP). The GSEP program was created in 2014 to ensure that leak-prone gas pipes, a common occurrence with the harsh winters and centuries-old infrastructure in the state, are replaced - important work that our members do. The program provides for the safety of our workers, first responders, and our communities.

We are thankful that the House did not also pursue this path. The final bill will be reconciled by a six-
member conference committee of Senators and Representatives before July 31st. We are asking two
things of the conference committee:

  • Maintain the GSEP program (do not include section 101 from the Senate bill).
  • Maintain the "obligation to serve" (do not include sections 69 and 97 from the Senate bill).

The disregard for serious safety concerns, coupled with the lack of understanding about the jobs our members perform, is shameful. One Senator was quoted as saying he "can appreciate that transition sometimes cause inconvenience" and "it's always a pain to change jobs." Let's be clear about something: the loss of a job to a working family is not an inconvenience, its life-changing. These workers and their communities deserve better.

We Need Your Help Today!
We need you to help to stop the reckless Senate language from appearing in the final bill!
Click HERE to send a pre-written email to your Massachusetts Senators and Representatives.

Dismantling safety programs in the name of saving costs for the energy transition is an unnecessary and highly irresponsible step. We can afford to do both. With thousands of miles of leak-prone pipe left in disrepair, our members will be less safe on the job and the general public will be at greater risk in their homes and businesses. Put Massachusetts' safety first! Ask the conferees to NOT include sections 69, 97 and 101 from the Senate bill in the final energy bill.

For additional questions about this issue or ways to get involved in Rapid Response, contact Mark McDonald, USW District 4 Rapid Response Coordinator, at (716) 553-0239 or [email protected].

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