Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 10:01

Mondino at the UN: High-level meetings on the geopolitical global and antisemitism agenda; meeting with her Dutch counterpart

Last Monday, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino continued her diplomatic meetings' agenda in New York within the framework of the High-Level Week of the 79th United Nations General Assembly and joined President Javier Milei for his address before investors at the New York Stock Exchange and the opening of the trading session in the morning. In addition, she took part in the meeting between President Javier Milei and the President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Michael Froman.

As part of her agenda, the Foreign Minister met with high-ranking authorities and participated in an event on Education to fight antisemitism. She also held a bilateral meeting with her counterpart from the Netherlands, Caspar Veldkamp.

In addition, Mondino participated in the "Advancing a Global Agenda through a Geopolitical Recession" high-level event, which was attended by Kristalina Georgieva (Managing Director of the IMF) and Roberta Metsola (President of the European Parliament), among others.

Within that context, the Foreign Minister referred to the comprehensive reform programme implemented by Javier Milei's administration and ratified the Argentine government's determination to keep an active international cooperation with the goal of solving current pressing problems, based on public-private cooperation and the liberal values promoted by the WEF. She also reiterated Argentina's commitment to a global dialogue to improve exports and investments, thus contributing to economic growth and development.


Foreign Minister Mondino also met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Caspar Veldkamp, and discussed political, economic and trade aspects of the wide-ranging bilateral relationship that will mark its 200th anniversary in 2025.

Both Ministers analyzed regional and global issues, including the situation in Venezuela, the war in Ukraine and the Middle East crisis. They also discussed Argentina's desire to become a member of the OECD and a global partner of NATO.

On the economic front, the Foreign Minister ratified Argentina's commitment to the creation of a business environment that favours foreign investments. They agreed that Argentina and the Netherlands can be partners and actors in the production of renewable energy, in the energetic security field and in the process of global energy transition.

It should be noted that the Netherlands is a relevant partner for Argentina: it is the 7th destination of Argentine exports, with Rotterdam being the largest re-export hub in the European Union, and the 3rd top foreign investor in Argentina. In this regard, they agreed to continue working through greater engagement between the public and private sectors of each country in order to increase and diversify mutual trade and broaden investment flows.


On a different note, the Argentine Foreign Minister was present as one of the speakers at the conference "Combatting Antisemitism and Hate Speech through Education", an event jointly hosted by UNESCO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, which brought together experts, educators and political leaders in order to promote mutual respect, inclusion and tolerance through educational programmes.

In such context, the Foreign Minister stated that "Argentina shares the concern over the expansion of antisemitism and hatred, which is why we have joined international efforts on this matter." She also recalled the progress made in the "Forum of Special Envoys Combatting Antisemitism" held in Buenos Aires on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the terror attack on AMIA.

She affirmed that "Argentina is the country that is home to the largest Jewish community in Latin America and one of the largest communities in the world. We are firmly committed to the fight against all forms of discrimination and racism through education and the remembrance of Holocaust. We must join efforts from all sectors to counter disinformation and fake news about one of the most atrocious chapters in the history of humanity."


As part of another activity on the agenda, the Secretary for Malvinas, Antarctica, Ocean Policy and the South Atlantic, Ambassador Paola Di Chiaro, participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, chaired by US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, who reaffirmed the importance of the solid collaboration and knowledge sharing this initiative provides in order to promote a prosperous and safe Atlantic Ocean.

The Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation brings together coastal countries from Africa, America and Europe which collaborate to face current and future challenges and implement innovative tools so as to guarantee a peaceful, stable, prosperous, open, safe and cooperative region.

The 41 Member Countries of the Partnership currently work jointly in key areas including economic development, scientific training and ocean health protection. These common efforts are based on the understanding that the Atlantic Ocean is a vital nexus and a shared system on which all coastal nations depend.