SVA - Student Veterans of America

07/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 03:56

Veteran and Military Family Groups Condemn Political Violence in Joint Statement

WASHINGTON, D.C.  (July 15, 2024) - As organizations serving and representing veterans and military families, we are united in condemning political violence of all kinds. Regardless of individual politics, an attack on any candidate for office, elected official, or election official is an attack on all of us. It is an attack on the system of self-government that our men and women in uniform have served and sacrificed to protect.

We send our condolences to the family of firefighter Corey Comperatore who was killed. We wish a speedy recovery to former President Trump and the others injured in this cowardly attack. We thank our brave brothers and sisters in law enforcement for their quick action to prevent more bloodshed.

Our fellow Americans often look to our community to provide leadership and to set politics aside, because of our commitment to our Constitution and culture of putting service to the nation first. Many of us have witnessed political violence abroad. We have a clear and universal message to our fellow Americans - violence has no place in American politics. A fundamental tenet of American democracy is to settle our differences at the ballot box. Our shared commitment to a peaceful democratic process is what distinguishes our system of government from others throughout history. We all have a role to play in lowering the temperature in today's political discourse and reminding ourselves - and our fellow countrymen and women - that we all have more in common than not.

Our strength as a nation is our unity and patriotism transcends politics. Let's all do our part to support the bedrock of our self-government and the greatest source of American pride: a peaceful political process with free and fair elections.

We the Veterans & Military Families
Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Military Family Association
Student Veterans of America
+More Perfect Union
Elizabeth Dole Foundation
Blue Star Families
Mission Roll Call
Combined Arms
Military Veterans in Journalism
Military Family Advisory Network
Veterans for All Voters
National Security Leaders for America
The Chamberlain Network
Disabled Veteran Empowerment Network
Millions of Conversations
Vet Voice Foundation
Admiral Steve Abbot (ret.)
Jeremy Butler

About Student Veterans of America
With a focused mission on empowering student veterans, Student Veterans of America® (SVA) is committed to providing an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through a dedicated network of nearly 1,600 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and 4 countries representing more than 750,000 student veterans, SVA aims to inspire yesterday's warriors by connecting student veterans with a community of like-minded chapter leaders. Every day these passionate leaders work to provide the necessary resources, network support, and advocacy to ensure student veterans can effectively connect, expand their skills, and ultimately achieve their greatest potential. For more information, visit us at