Reform Party

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 23:57

Reform Party Unveils New Logo

Friday, September 20, 2024/ Published in Latest Updates

Reform Party Unveils New Logo

This month, the Reform Party proudly unveils its new logo, a project assigned to the Executive Committee by the National Convention in May. The updated logo features three stylized bison - in red, white, and blue - enclosed in a purple hexagon, with the bison appearing to move toward the viewer. The words "Reform Party USA" are incorporated to create a modern, unique, and symbolic representation of the party's patriotism and core values.

The (regular) hexagon was selected for its proportionality, its ability to interlock with other hexagons, and its frequent appearance in nature. This shape reflects our desire to integrate into the rich tapestry of American politics and the world at large. The purple color symbolizes the middle ground in American politics, bridging the gap between red and blue, which the Reform Party embodies. It is also a color traditionally associated with wisdom and success.

The American bison, the U.S. national mammal, was chosen for its strength and resilience. The bison in the logo are uniquely stylized to ensure the design is effective even in small print. Their positioning, moving toward the viewer, represents the bison's instinct to charge into a storm rather than seeking shelter or retreating - a powerful metaphor for the Reform Party's approach to challenges.

The three bison hold a dual meaning: their red, white, and blue colors represent the American flag, and the number three symbolizes the Reform Party's position as a "third party" in the American political landscape.

"This new logo is my first major action as Vice Chair of Communications and the team and I are proud of how it turned out." - Sam Gibbons