Government of the Republic of Fiji

07/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 22:26


Your Lordship, Acting Chief Justice, Justice Salesi Temo,
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji and Minister for Civil Service, Honourable Sitiveni Rabuka,
Honourable Cabinet Ministers and Assistant Ministers,
Honourable Members of Parliament,
Members of the College of Honour,
Permanent Secretaries,
Your Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Civil Service Medal Award Recipients,
Distinguished Guests,
Family and friends of the Award Recipients, and
Members of the Media.

Miau sa bula re and Good Morning to you all. I am truly honoured to be in your presence this morning, the Third of July, Two Thousand and Twenty-Four, and to preside over the first session of this year's Civil Service Medal Awards Investiture Ceremony. I am pleased that the Civil Service has responded to the call for nominations, through its lead agency, the Ministry of Civil Service, for the 2024 nominations for the Civil Service Medal awards.

This year, a total of 112 nominations were approved for recommendation into the Order. The number of Civil Service Medals awarded since 1995, the year when the Fiji College of Honour was established by way of the Honours and Awards Act, 1995, has not been substantial, particularly for Government employees.

The first investiture for the Civil Service Medal award was held 29 years ago, and since then, there has been a sporadic number of awards given in this award category throughout the years to date. I sincerely expect this trend to gradually change in the subsequent years.

You will agree that this year's allocation of Civil Service Medals is not substantial. You have my assurance that successive call for nominations for this category of awards will be accomplished. While I am pleased to say that the 2024 Civil Service Medal investiture ceremony has depleted the stock of medals, its replenishment has been accelerated. I am proud to state today that this is the beginning of more to come. In addition, I would encourage you, members of our Civil Service, to participate when the call for nominations is disseminated through your networks.

As the Chancellor of the Order of Fiji, I am a strong advocate for the Culture of Appreciation, which acknowledges and celebrates members of the public at large, in this instance, members of the Civil Service, who consistently go above and beyond in delivering exceptional service to the people they serve, as well as towards the betterment of our nation.

The Order of Fiji Awards, including supplementary decorations and special awards, serve as a source of inspiration for others to strive for excellence in their own service delivery and acknowledge acts of bravery for humanity at large. By highlighting and honouring exemplary service, national awards help to raise the benchmark of excellence and quality across Government agencies.

In turn, it encourages a positive and constructively competitive spirit that benefits both staff, the people, and the community that you serve, ultimately setting the tone for enhanced productivity, increased employee morale, a stronger sense of community, and strategic collaboration within the civil service.

To all members of the Civil Service, across the nation, who may not have qualified for the civil service medal award for any number of reasons - We value you as an individual and contributor to nation building, and we equally value your service, however large or small.

As you celebrate Civil Service Week and the upcoming Civil Service Day, we also commemorate this week alongside our colleagues, who are stationed in the maritime zones, who may not have had the opportunity to join you in the nation's capital.

We celebrate with the health practitioners, service providers in the civil service and educators, who cross rivers, mountains, and terrains to get to their destinations of work. We honour you all on this special week.

This week is about celebrating YOU and your selfless dedication to serving our people and our nation. I encourage you to challenge your strengths and mental capacity in whatever area that you specialize in.

I recall my opening address of Parliament this year in which I mentioned that Government was committed to reinstating Civil Service Day. We are fulfilling that this entire week. I feel that we all needed this special week and day to reflect on our individual evolvement, as well as immerse oneself in companionship.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Congratulations once again to all the Civil Service Medal recipients and a big Vinaka vakalevu to your guests, parents, family members and friends or well wishes that have contributed to your journey, thus equally deserve acknowledgement.

Government remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering an environment conducive to the holistic development of our people, and it can do it more so, with your dedication.

May God bless us all and continue to bless our beloved nation, Fiji!

Vinaka Vakalevu and Thank you All.