Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/18/2024 18:26

Fried Frank Files Amicus Brief for Disability Rights Groups in Texas Death Penalty Case

News releases | July 18, 2024

Fried Frank today filed an amicus brief on behalf of disability rights organizations The Arc of the United States, The Arc of Texas, Disability Rights Texas and the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), in a critical death penalty case, urging the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to protect people with intellectual disability from unconstitutional executions.

The brief takes a stand in support of accurate identification of intellectual disability in the case of Blaine Milam, an inmate now on death row. The brief emphasizes the critical need for courts to rely on clinical standards - not stereotypes - to ensure people with intellectual disability are properly identified and protected from execution.

Associate Jason Kanterman commended The Arc and its team for their efforts in this case: "The Arc, Disability Rights Texas, and AAIDD play a pivotal role in protecting the rights and interests of individuals with intellectual disability and Fried Frank is proud to support these organizations in those efforts."

The brief can be found linked below.

The Fried Frank pro bono team that worked on the brief included partner Paul M. Schoenhard and associates Jason Kanterman, Emma Kolesar, Dylan B. Bolduc, Breanna Weber and Morgan Kurst.

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