Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Morocco

02/02/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/03/2023 05:06

The 12th Moroccan-Spanish High Level Meeting: Joint Declaration

The Moroccan and Spanish Heads of Government were accompanied by two respective ministerial delegations:

On the Moroccan side:

Mr. Aziz AKHANNOUCH, Head of Government,

Mr. Abdelouafi LAFTIT, Minister of the Interior

Mr. Nasser BOURITA, Minister of Foreign Affairs and African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates

Ms. Nadia FETTAH, Minister of Economy and Finance;

Mr. Nizar BARAKA, Minister of Equipment and Water

Mr. Chakib BENMOUSSA, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports

Mr. Khalid AIT TALEB, Minister of Health and Social Protection

Mr. Mohammed SADIKI, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests

Mr. Younes SEKKOURI OUBBAHESSOU, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills

Mr. Ryad MEZZOUR Minister of Industry and Trade

Ms. Fatima Zahra AMMOR Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social Economy

Mr. Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation

Ms. Leila BENALI, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development

Mr. Mohammed ABDELJALIL, Minister of Transport and Logistics

Mr. Mohammed Mehdi BENSAID, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication

On the Spanish side:

Mr. Pedro SANCHEZ, President of the Government.

Ms. Nadia CALVINO SANTAMARIA, First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation;

Ms. Teresa RIBERA, Third Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge;

Mr. José Manuel ALBARES BUENO, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation;

Mr. Fernando GRANDE-MARLASKA, Minister of the Interior;

Ms. Raquel SANCHEZ JIMENEZ, Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Programs;

Ms. Pilar ALEGRIA CONTINENTE, Minister of Education and Vocational Training;

Ms. María REYES MAROTO, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism;

Mr. Luis PLANAS PUCHADES, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food;

Mr. Miquel ICETA LLORES, Minister of Culture and Sports;

Ms. Diana MORANT RIPOLL, Minister of Science and Innovation;

Mr. José Luis ESCRIVA BELMONTE, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

Morocco and Spain expressed their commitment to perpetuate the excellent relations that have always linked them and reaffirmed their willingness to enrich them permanently. In this sense, the two countries place their cooperation within the framework of the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness, Cooperation and Enhanced Political Dialogue, resulting from the Joint Statement of April 7, 2022, based on the principles of transparency, permanent dialogue, mutual respect and implementation of commitments and agreements signed by both parties, in which issues of common interest are addressed in a spirit of trust, far from unilateral actions.

In a joint statement issued at the end of the 12th session of the Moroccan-Spanish High Level Meeting, held under the joint chairmanship of the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch and the President of the Spanish Government, Mr. Pedro Sanchez, the two parties emphasize that this meeting was an opportunity to review the objectives of the roadmap and the satisfactory results achieved, on the one hand, and to renew the determination of both countries to act, jointly, for the continuation of this new dynamic on the other hand, which is necessary for the welfare of both countries and the prosperity of the entire region. The two parties, in this regard, welcomed the work done in all working groups, all met and functional, and especially the efforts made and the involvement shown, on both sides, to achieve the objectives set in the said roadmap, inviting the continuation of discussions in the framework of these groups.

Morocco and Spain also reiterate their commitment to the protection and guarantee of human rights as an essential basis for democratic coexistence, the rule of law and good governance, and agree to strengthen their cooperation in this area in the new phase of bilateral relations.

Spain commended the momentum of openness, progress and modernity that Morocco is experiencing, under the enlightened and active leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This dynamic is marked in particular by the New Development Model, the Advanced Regionalization, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNDD), as well as by the new social solidarity project, among others. Moreover, Spain considers that Morocco is a credible regional and international player whose voice is heard and which plays a decisive role for stability, peace and development in the Mediterranean and Atlantic regions, in the Sahel-Saharan area and in Africa.

For its part, Morocco hails Spain's multidimensional international projection and its numerous contributions to stability, peace and sustainable development at the regional and international levels. In the Euro-Mediterranean dimension, both parties recognize the central role of the Union for the Mediterranean as the only organization that includes all the countries of the region on an equal footing, and which aims to promote all aspects of the Barcelona Process in a harmonious manner, based on its organizational structure and a growing budget.

In this regard, Spain and Morocco call on all countries in the region to actively contribute to the Euro-Mediterranean process, including through their contributions to the budget of the Union for the Mediterranean.

On the other hand, Spain reiterates its full support and active endorsement of Morocco's successful national program with the OECD, which positions Morocco at the forefront of cooperation with the Organization, through adherence to its legal instruments and participation in its committees, in support of national economic policies that promote sustainable development.

Both countries stress the importance of promoting cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean and reiterate their commitment to continue building a common area of peace, prosperity and integration.

Spain made a presentation on the candidacy of the city of Malaga to organize the Specialized Exhibition in 2027 under the theme "The urban era: towards sustainable cities".

Governance of the Bilateral Partnership

Both Governments welcome the work of the Committee in charge of the implementation of the Joint Declaration of April 7, 2022, established in point 16 of the said Declaration and chaired by the two Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and encourage its continuation.

Both countries welcome the signing of Declarations and Memoranda of Understanding on the occasion of this HLM.

Morocco and Spain stressed their commitment to the preservation and consolidation of the Morocco-European Union (EU) relationship. the two countries also stressed their willingness to further develop the Advanced Status of Morocco with the EU, the next Association Council being an important opportunity in this sense.

Furthermore, Spain and Morocco will actively collaborate in promoting the flagship initiatives of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Southern Neighbourhood of the European Union, in particular in co-financing the investments planned by the Moroccan Strategic Investment Fund in the support and acceleration of the green transition, in developing social protection systems for the most vulnerable groups, in Morocco's participation in the Horizon Europe research program and in financing its digital infrastructure, in developing renewable energies, and in the Moroccan "Green Generation" initiative for the development of rural areas.

Both countries stress the importance of promoting cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean and reiterate their commitment to continue building a Common Space of Peace, Prosperity and Integration. They welcome their cooperation in the Western Mediterranean "5+5" dialogue.

Spain and Morocco reaffirm their commitment to the work of the OSCE Mediterranean Partners Cooperation Group, which brings together 63 countries from three continents around a comprehensive concept of security.

Morocco and Spain expressed determination to strengthen their cooperation in the fight against terrorism, stressing that they will continue to work jointly and within the framework of the United Nations to develop international efforts in the fight against terrorism and its financing. The two countries emphasized their particular commitment to the fight against international terrorism, which is crucial for the security and stability of the Euro-Mediterranean region and on the global level.

In this sense, Spain and Morocco, which welcomed the results achieved in the fight against terrorism, expressed their deepest condemnation of terrorist acts, whether inside or outside their territories, as well as any form of violence that threatens the rights and freedoms of citizens. Both parties also renewed their commitment to peace and stability, sustainable development and human rights, particularly within the framework of the United Nations.

Spain welcomes the efficient operational cooperation with Morocco in the field of circular and regular migration, which is a model at the international level. The two countries agree to intensify their cooperation in the fight against irregular migration, border control, the fight against networks and the readmission of illegal immigrants.

Stressing that the fight against criminal networks of illegal immigration should also recall the responsibility of neighbouring countries, countries of origin and the EU in the face of this phenomenon, the two countries recognize the many positive contributions that immigrant communities make to both host countries and their countries of origin. In this sense, they are fully committed to combating all forms of racism, xenophobia and any other discrimination against immigrant populations.

Spain welcomes the efficient operational cooperation with Morocco in the field of circular and regular migration, which has become an international model.

The two governments, which note the importance of the efforts made in the field of migration, particularly in the framework of the Marrakech Pact and the Rabat Process, reiterate their common commitment to dynamic mobility allowing for the fluid and orderly movement of persons.

The two parties also welcome the spirit of understanding and cooperation that permeated their participation in the Ministerial Conference of the Rabat Process, held in Cadiz on December 13 and 14, 2022, which was marked by the coordination in the handover of the consecutive presidencies between the two countries, as agreed in the Joint Statement of April 7, 2022

They also express their satisfaction with their collaboration and coordination in the transit operation "Crossing the Straits Operation /Marhaba" after the pandemic in 2022, the Statement stressed, pointing out that this joint operation has facilitated the movement of nearly 3 million passengers and 700,000 vehicles, making it one of the largest programs for managing the movement of people in the world.

The two parties note with appreciation the remarkable evolution of the economic partnership between Morocco and Spain, which has breathed new life into commercial exchanges, favored by geographical proximity and in line with the reconfiguration of the global geopolitical context. They also expressed their willingness to deepen them by aiming at a greater and mutually beneficial integration of value chains, which will stimulate economic development and the welfare of citizens.

Spain continues to be the main trading partner of Morocco and has been since 2012. Morocco is also the 3rd partner of Spain outside the EU.

The two countries are committed to the promotion of trade and investment, for the implementation of joint development projects in the framework of a win-win partnership, taking advantage of the new Investment Charter that Morocco has promulgated, adapted to the institutional, economic, social and political transformations, and aimed at making the Kingdom an international destination for investment, offering real opportunities in strategic sectors.

Morocco and Spain note with appreciation the remarkable evolution of their economic partnership, which has breathed new life into trade, added the same source, indicating that it is agreed to renew the existing Financial Protocol by doubling the resources available to reach 800 million euros. Reimbursable and non-reimbursable financial instruments will be used to support projects of priority interest to be developed by the Government of Morocco, particularly in infrastructure, renewable energy, water and sanitation, education and health facilities and productive sectors.

They stressed the importance of cooperation in projects aimed at decarbonizing the economy, which offer great potential for investors: renewable energy projects, energy efficiency strategy.

Both parties also agreed on the need to further develop connectivity (infrastructure etc.) and facilitate mobility between the two countries. In this sense, they welcome the signing of MOUs in the field of infrastructure and transport to strengthen sectoral cooperation.

Morocco and Spain welcome the Business Forum organized on the sidelines of the 12th session of the High Level Meeting between the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and the Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE).

Both parties also welcome the work carried out by the Moroccan-Spanish Economic Council (CEMAES), an important pillar in bringing together businessmen and women of both countries and in strengthening bilateral economic relations, promoting better synergy between economic operators.

The two parties expressed their satisfaction with their excellent collaboration in the port field as well as with the mutual efforts undertaken in the field of transport infrastructure to improve connectivity between the two countries, and welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of infrastructure between the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Programs of the Kingdom of Spain and the Ministry of Equipment and Water of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Both Parties welcomed their excellent collaboration in the field of water and reaffirmed their interest in further strengthening it, particularly in the field of desalination, integrated water resources management and wastewater reuse, and welcomed the signing of the following three Cooperation Agreements:

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge and the Ministry of Equipment and Water;

A Memorandum of Understanding between the ABH of Loukkos and the Hydrographic Confederation of SEGURA, which will update the declaration of intentions of 2015;

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Tensift Water Basin Agency and the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation.

Spain and Morocco welcomed the signing in April 2019 of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the promotion of collaborative activities in Meteorology and Climatology between the Directorate General of Meteorology (DGM) and the National Agency of Meteorology of the Kingdom of Spain (AEMET), under which an implementation action plan has been established and will be incessantly implemented.

Both countries, aware of the need to respond to the current climate emergency and the disastrous impacts of the summer of 2022, reiterate their commitment to the Paris Agreement and its goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C and promoting fair and resilient development.

Both countries recognize the importance of fostering collaboration on climate change adaptation solutions and promoting effective prevention, anticipation and adaptation measures to increase drought resilience. In this context, they will build on the spaces already created with the International Drought Resilience Alliance to accelerate a more coordinated and collaborative global response and the World Meteorological Organization's SOFF initiative for the development of early warning systems.

Spain and Morocco are committed to deepening cooperation in the field of civil protection, which has great potential for the implementation of joint actions, especially in risk prevention, human resources training and the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Taking into account the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, Spain and Morocco are committed to implementing modern border control management.

Both parties reiterate their commitment to continue advancing in an orderly manner the full normalization of the movement of people and goods, including appropriate customs and people control arrangements at land and sea. They take into account the conclusions of the January 27 pilot test. They will continue this series of tests on the agreed schedule to overcome any constraints.

Both countries welcome the excellent bilateral cooperation in transport, especially goods, materialized by the work of the Joint Commission dedicated.

Both parties are committed to continuing to make progress in the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of road safety policies and to hold an annual meeting on road safety, alternating between the two countries.

Morocco and Spain welcome the signing of the agreement by :

Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France and Germany, on 08 November 2022, of the "Set Roadmap", which aims to integrate the electricity markets of renewable origin of the countries concerned;

Morocco and the EU of the MoU of a "Green Partnership" with the objective of strengthening cooperation in energy, fight against climate change, environmental protection and stimulate the "green economy".

Both parties agreed to deepen cooperation in the agricultural field by formalizing bilateral technical collaboration in various areas, including exchanges in education, vocational training and agricultural advice, promotion of agricultural investment, sharing of experiences in sanitary and phytosanitary safety, research in the field of water saving, expansion of decentralized cooperation, development of triangular Moroccan-Spanish cooperation in favor of African countries, among others. The existing memorandum has been updated to extend its scope to plant health, giving the necessary coverage to this important area of work.

Spain and Morocco recognized the need to continue promoting bi- and multilateral initiatives in the field of science and innovation, strengthening the Mediterranean Research and Innovation Program to continue working together on aspects related to agri-food and sustainable water use.

Both Parties noted with satisfaction the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of tourism, during the 12th Moroccan-Spanish High-Level Meeting, which will give a new impetus to the relations of tourism cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the fields of promotion, investment, competitiveness, sustainability and quality, territorial development, as well as in the field of decentralized cooperation, and the monitoring and analysis of tourism activity.

Also, the two parties have taken note of the positive results of the bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism which is in line with the follow-up of the implementation of the recommendations of the Moroccan-Spanish High Level Meeting, and have agreed to capitalize on the achievements and to pursue this development dynamic in the field of tourism.

Both parties agree to continue the development cooperation by renewing the sectors and diversifying the instruments of the Spanish Cooperation, within the framework of the New Development Model of the Kingdom of Morocco.

The cultural dimension and human links

Both countries welcome the organization by the Kingdom of Morocco, in November 2022 in Fez, of the 9th World Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, which was a strong moment to highlight the universality of its values.

Spain and Morocco, which share a unique cultural and human heritage, are called upon to develop a new "human network" (twinning of cities, partnerships between universities, student mobility, joint actions by associations, creation of study committees and research institutes, etc.), with the aim of achieving an inclusive partnership that will serve all. The communities of nationals residing in the two countries contribute to the mutual understanding of the societies.

Aware of the vital role of education, culture and sports in bringing nations closer together, Spain and Morocco agree to place their exchanges in these areas at the heart of their cooperation relations.

In the field of education, the parties undertake to promote the exchange of documentation on current school curricula in order to facilitate the accreditation and recognition of education and diplomas awarded to students.

Both parties will strengthen their collaboration to promote student mobility. The Spanish Party will study measures to simplify administrative procedures for Moroccan students in Spain

Both parties will take the necessary measures to encourage Spanish public and private universities to open branches in Morocco, whose university offer is today strongly oriented towards internationalization, and whose universities welcome more than 20,000 African students who benefit from more than 11,000 scholarships.

Both parties welcome the signing of the MoU on university cooperation and also the ongoing discussions to facilitate the mutual access of new university students from each of the signatory parties.

Both Parties undertake to promote their cooperation in the field of sports, particularly in the areas of community sports, integration through sports, and high performance sports.

The two Parties welcome the excellence of their collaboration in the implementation of the Program for the Teaching of the Arabic Language and Moroccan Culture in Spain, and undertake to strengthen it by providing it with the necessary human and material resources. In this sense, both parties agree on the necessity of adopting an agreement exclusively related to this program, which will serve as a basis for its development and ensure its sustainability.

Both Parties are satisfied with the exchanges that have taken place since the last HLM in the field of cultural cooperation. Both parties called for the holding of the 7th session of the Joint Cultural and Educational Commission, established by virtue of the Cultural Agreement between the Governments of both countries, signed in Rabat on October 14, 1980, which has not met since 2003.

Both countries note the dynamism of the Spanish language in Morocco and undertake to strengthen the learning of the Spanish language in Moroccan schools, colleges and high schools and call for the development of a joint action plan to actively accompany the establishment of bilingual sections within the Moroccan education system in all its primary, secondary and higher levels, in application of the MoU signed for this purpose, as well as a training program in Spanish, as a language of instruction, in favor of the Moroccan teachers

The General Secretariat of the Kingdom of Morocco through its Official Printing Office, and the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Parliament and Democratic Memory, through the National Agency of the Official State Bulletin, institute a cooperation in the field of exchange of information, expertise and successful practical experiences, relating to the digital production of legislative and regulatory texts of their electronic dissemination. The specific content and practical arrangements for carrying out this cooperation will be the subject of a declaration of understanding between the National Agency of the Official Bulletin of the State of Spain and the Official Printing House of Morocco.

Both parties agreed to strengthen their cooperation in the field of digital transformation, support for the improvement of the quality of public services to citizens, capacity building of civil servants in digital and integration of the gender approach in the civil service.

In the scientific field, Spain and Morocco welcomed the progress made in cooperation, as evidenced by the Memorandum signed to maintain close collaboration in the field of science, technology and innovation, thus promoting and strengthening joint activities within the framework of existing initiatives between them.

Both Parties agreed to increase cooperation in the areas of media and institutional communication, including through the development of a Memorandum of Understanding.

Both Parties agreed to start updating the film co-production agreement signed in 1998, and to develop an audiovisual co-production agreement that would reflect the expectations of both Parties.

The parties also express their interest in cooperating to ensure the protection of copyrights and related rights in all fields by putting in contact their respective competent bodies and exchanging experiences and information, especially on the impact of new technologies. The Moroccan side expressed interest in concluding a reciprocal representation agreement between the Moroccan Copyright Office and its Spanish counterpart.

Morocco and Spain welcomed the exemplary relations in the field of employment, labor and vocational training. Both parties also welcomed the strengthening of the legal framework that governs their bilateral cooperation by signing Memoranda of Understanding on Migration Management and Governance, and on Orderly and Regular Migration Movements.

Both parties share objectives and interests in the area of social protection that can result in the establishment of broad technical cooperation relationships that strengthen their social security systems, and such cooperation can facilitate the exchange of knowledge, best practices and technical research. Possible agreements between the Parties will facilitate the establishment of stable and fluid frameworks for collaboration in the field of social security, on the basis of which technical cooperation activities will be developed in identified areas of common interest.

Both Parties undertake to work closely together to establish an operational action plan in relation to the various actions included in these legal instruments. Both Parties agree to further strengthen their cooperation by examining the possibility of concluding an agreement for the exchange of young professionals, with a view to promoting the inter-company mobility of these young people and thus contributing to the mutual enrichment of skills. The Spanish side has taken note with great interest of the consultations for the elaboration of a National Strategy for International Professional Mobility (SNMPI), which will reflect Morocco's own vision for the management of professional migration flows, and The two parties stressed the importance of holding the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee provided for in the Labour Agreement of July 25, 2001, as soon as possible, and expressed their willingness to collaborate in the implementation of this project.

Both parties stressed the importance of holding the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee provided for in the Labor Agreement of July 25, 2001 as soon as possible.

In the field of vocational training, both parties have established a common frame of reference to promote cooperation, sharing experiences of the Spanish training model and catalog, with the aim of promoting professional integration and entrepreneurship.

Both parties are pleased with the fruitful and diversified cooperation in the field of health, which has been achieved over time at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels, and have agreed to advance and strengthen the projects previously initiated.

In the common quest to further develop this Partnership, both Parties welcome the signing of the Declaration of Intent in the field of Health Security.