New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 23:26


Notice of Complete Application


Somerset Realty Advisors LLC
C/O Joseph Monteleone
2417 3rd Ave Ste 409
BRONX, NY 10451


1100 Arrowhead Rd

Application ID:


Permit(s) Applied for:

Article 15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters | Article 15 Title 5 Stream Disturbance | Section 401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification

Project is Located:


Project Description:

The applicant proposes a total of ~354 linear feet of disturbance to the Sandburg Creek, WIN H-139-14-38, Class B(t), ~70 linear feet of tributary 8 of Sandburg Creek (former Delaware and Hudson Canal), WIN H-139-14-38-8, Class B(t), and ~130 linear feet of Leuren Kill, WIN H-139-14-38-9, Class A(t) associated with the replacement of a total of five stream crossings with new bridges. The work will also include a total of ~14,969 square feet of combined temporary and permanent excavation and fill in the navigable Sandburg Creek and tributary 8 associated with removal of historic fill or debris and equipment access; this is also discharge of fill to waters of the US. An additional ~6708 square feet of combined temporary and permanent discharge to waters of the US is proposed associated with a new wetland crossing. All crossings are associated with the redevelopment of the former Nevele Resort as a mixed residential and commercial facility.

Availability of Application Documents:

Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:

Project is a Type I action and will not have a significant effect on the environment. A coordinated review with other agencies was performed and a Negative Declaration is on file.

SEQR Lead Agency: Wawarsing Town Board

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:

A cultural resources survey has been completed and cultural resources were identified. Based on information provided in the survey report, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has determined that the proposed activity will have an adverse impact on registered or eligible archaeological sites or historic structures. The department must consult further with OPRHP before making a final decision regarding the issuance of the permit.

Coastal Management:

This project is not located in a Coastal Management area and is not subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29)

It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.

Opportunity for Public Comment:

Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than Oct 10, 2024.

Primary Contact

NYSDEC Region 3 Headquarters
21 S Putt Corners Rd
New Paltz, New York12561

This Page Covers
Region 3 - Lower Hudson Valley