DA - Democratic Alliance

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 05:45

DA welcomes groundbreaking visa reforms as the biggest pro-jobs initiative in decades

DA welcomes groundbreaking visa reforms as the biggest pro-jobs initiative in decades

Issued by Willie Aucamp MP and Karabo Khakhau MP - DA National Spokespersons

09 Oct 2024 in News

Please scroll down for the Afrikaans version

Soundbites by Karabo Khakhau MP: Sesotho / isiZulu

Soundbites by Willie Aucamp MP: English / Afrikaans

The Democratic Alliance (DA) wholeheartedly welcomes the bold and visionary reforms introduced by the Minister of Home Affairs, Leon Schreiber, which we believe are poised to be the single most impactful job creation initiative in decades.

These changes, including the introduction of a Remote Work Visitor Visa and a Points-Based System for Work Visas, will be a game-changer for attracting foreign investment, generating employment, and positioning South Africa as a world-class destination for skilled talent and tourism.

According to independent research commissioned by the Reserve Bank, boosting the share of skills relative to the South African population by just 0.02% can boost annual GDP growth by 1.2% and create 78 000 new jobs. That amounts to seven new job for every additional skill.

This reform marks a significant step in cutting bureaucratic red tape, combating corruption within the visa system, and injecting much-needed skills into the economy. By fostering an open, transparent framework, the reforms create a clear path for top-tier skills to enter the market, which, in turn, will create thousands of jobs for South Africans.

Minister Schreiber and the Department of Home Affairs have taken a crucial step with this initiative, which reflects the DA's commitment to economic growth and expanding opportunities for all. It also supports the Government of National Unity's top priority of job creation.

DA verwelkom baanbreker-visa-hervormings as die grootste werkskeppingsinisiatief in dekades

Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) verwelkom die dapper en visioenêre hervormings wat deur die Minister van Binnelandse Sake, Leon Schreiber, ingestel is, wat ons glo die enkele mees impakvolle werkskeppingsinisiatief in dekades te wees.

Hierdie veranderinge, insluitend die bekendstelling van 'n visum vir buitelanders wat oor 'n afstand werk en 'n puntegebaseerde stelsel vir werksvisums, sal buitelandse beleggings lok, werk skep en Suid-Afrika posisioneer as 'n wêreldklasbestemming vir geskoolde talent en toerisme.

Volgens onafhanklike navorsing in opdrag van die Reserwebank kan die verhoging van die aandeel van vaardighede relatief tot die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking met net 0.02% die jaarlikse BBP-groei met 1.2% verhoog, en 78 000 nuwe werksgeleenthede skep. Dit kom neer op sewe nuwe werksgeleenthede vir elke bykomende vaardigheid.

Hierdie hervorming is 'n belangrike stap om burokratiese rompslomp te verminder, korrupsie binne die visumstelsel te bekamp en broodnodige vaardighede in die ekonomie in te spuit.

Deur 'n oop, deursigtige raamwerk te bevorder, skep die hervormings 'n duidelike pad vir topvlakvaardighede om die mark te betree, wat op sy beurt duisende werksgeleenthede vir Suid-Afrikaners sal skep.

Minister Schreiber en die departement van binnelandse sake het 'n deurslaggewende stap geneem met hierdie inisiatief, wat die DA se verbintenis tot ekonomiese groei en uitbreiding van geleenthede vir almal weerspieël. Dit ondersteun ook die Regering van Nasionale Eenheid se topprioriteit van werkskepping.