University of Arkansas at Little Rock

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 07:37

Hall Joins UA Little Rock as New Alumni Engagement Coordinator

Sarah Grace Hall has fond memories of visiting her father, a long-time business professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, on campus.

"I grew up on the campus of UA Little Rock coming to visit my dad, Dr. John Hall, in the School of Business," Hall recalled. "My first memories are of visiting him in his office in Ross Hall, before the Reynolds Business Building was even built. Then my brother, sister, and I all went to summer camp here. Growing up around campus has always made me feel like a part of the campus community."

Now officially part of the UA Little Rock family as the new alumni engagement coordinator, Hall will focus on creating meaningful opportunities for alumni to reconnect with the university. She will develop engaging activities, plan events, and foster initiatives that enhance alumni involvement and strengthen their support for UA Little Rock.

"UA Little Rock is a great school with a unique student population and a dedicated alumni base," Hall said. "I'm excited to help build lasting connections between our alumni and the university. Our graduates are a vital part of the UA Little Rock community, and I look forward to creating opportunities for them to stay engaged, give back, and support the next generation of students."

Hall will soon become a familiar face at popular campus events like BBQ at Bailey, helping to create new traditions for alumni at UA Little Rock's recently developed transformative spaces, Trojan Way and the Alumni Patio.

In addition, she will focus on providing networking opportunities with employers for alumni and students, and will establish a student philanthropy council within the Office of Alumni and Development to cultivate a culture of giving and engagement among current students.

"My goal is to bring alumni back to campus and help them re-engage with the place where they earned their degrees," Hall said. "Whether it's through special events or one-on-one meetings, I'm excited to help strengthen the bond between our alumni and the university."

Prior to UA Little Rock, Hall worked as the program registrar and reservation manager at the Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She earned a bachelor's degree in communication from the University of Arkansas and a Master of Divinity from Union Presbyterian Seminary.

In her new role, Hall is learning to connect with UA Little Rock and her father in a whole new way.

"It's been six years since I lived in Little Rock, and I'm getting the chance to meet a lot of interesting people and get connected with UA Little Rock in a way that I haven't before," Hall said. "It's fun to be back on campus and see this place in a new light. With my dad, it adds an interesting level to the parent-child connection of getting to work at the same place and being professionals together."

Dr. John Hall, chair of the Department of Accounting, Economics, and Finance, couldn't be more happy to have his daughter working to strengthen the university's relationship with the alumni community. He laments that they don't get to work together as often as he would like due to different work responsibilities, but he does enjoy attending alumni and community events together when they have the opportunity.

"I'm incredibly proud of her in this role," Dr. Hall said. "When we are together, that's reinforced because I get to see that she is really good at meeting people where they are and inviting them into conversation. I see her making sure the person she's talking with knows she's listening to them and wanting them to be comfortable. I think we'll benefit as a campus from her work to engage with alumni and help more of them connect with what we're doing."