Boston Police Department

09/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2024 13:35

School Safety Tips from the Boston Police Department

As we kick off Back to School in Boston - we want to work together with you to keep kids safe whether they are in cars, buses, on sidewalks, crosswalks, bicycles or however they are commuting.

We ask parents to review these reminders with your student, and for any of you who are commuting during school hours to do your part to keep students safe!

These tips are important for younger students - but reminding teens is key.

An average of 40 kids in the U.S. are hit by a vehicle each day and many of them are teens


No matter how you are commuting - put the phones and headphones away. This goes for those of you driving a car,bike, or scooter…or for any student who is walking Phones down, eyes on the road! Be aware of your surroundings.

Give yourself plenty of time to get to school and to work- this helps avoid getting hurt while rushing or speeding!

For walkers - go with a friend or in a group if possible…and /don't cross the street anywhere other than at a crosswalk…and always look both ways. Don't assume drivers see you.

Whether you are an adult or a student on a bicycle….know and follow the rules of the road.

If biking, use bike lanes when available

For Drivers - stop for school buses. It is tough to see kids coming and going near buses so obey those STOP signs

Don't pull into a crosswalk while waiting for a light to change or to take a turn

Adhere to school zone speed limits

Make sure you and all your passengers wear your seatbelts

If you see something, say something.

In you see something or someone that seems like a problem, find a trusted adult - a teacher, school staff member or school engagement officer and let them know

If you are in danger or there is an emergency - call 911If you or someone you know is being bullied - please let a trusted adult know.

Cell Phones and Social Media

We ask parents and guardians to talk to students about what they are texting and if they are allowed to use social media - how they use it. Many incidents of bullying and sharing unkind or illegal content takes place via group texts and social media.

Stay off your phone during school hours unless it's an emergency.

Other Tips

One other important reminder - in MA, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to vape, smoke cigarettes or marijuana and none of these are allowed at school.

Look out for each other this school year and know that we at the Boston Police Department are here to help and support you!

Now, let's get back to school!