Dentons US LLP

07/04/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/04/2024 11:14

Historic step: EU accession talks with Ukraine underway

July 4, 2024

Ukraine formally started EU accession talks on June 25, 2024, a decade after the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv set the country on a pro-western path, and despite Russian threats and invasions.

This monumental step was marked by an intergovernmental conference held in Luxembourg, and was hailed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a historic day for Ukraine. The commencement of these negotiations underscores Ukraine's significant reforms and the EU's strategic commitment to support Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia.

EU ministers met with Ukrainian officials, highlighting the importance of accession not only for Ukraine but also for the EU. European Council President Charles Michel emphasized that this move signifies a strategic step for the EU, while Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock underscored the powerful message it sends against Russian President Vladimir Putin's efforts to annex Ukraine. With public support for EU membership in Ukraine at an all-time high, this development marks a pivotal moment in Ukraine's European integration journey.

The EU has invited the Commission to assess Ukraine's readiness for negotiations, starting with the fundamentals cluster, which includes key areas such as the judiciary, democratic institutions, and public administration. This initial assessment is crucial for ensuring Ukraine's alignment with EU standards and values as part of the broader accession process.

As Ukraine embarks on this transformative journey, the potential benefits of its accession to the European Union become increasingly evident. Here are a few key reasons why Ukraine joining the EU will be mutually beneficial:

Logistics advantages

Ukraine's strategic geographical location makes it a vital gateway between Europe and Asia. By joining the EU, Ukraine can extend the European logistics network to the east, thereby enhancing connectivity and trade flows between the two continents. As a new transport hub within European-Asian transport corridors, Ukraine can facilitate smoother trade and transportation, benefiting both the EU and its trading partners. Additionally, Ukraine's extensive network of ports on the Black Sea offers significant potential for maritime trade, providing the EU with greater access to global markets.

Agricultural contribution

Ukraine's integration into the EU would positively impact the bloc's food security and agricultural trade. As one of the world's leading agricultural producers, Ukraine has the potential to strengthen the EU's position in global agricultural markets. Access to Ukraine's fertile land and agricultural expertise would enhance the EU's self-sufficiency in food production and reduce its reliance on imports from non-EU countries.

Economic opportunities

The economic benefits of Ukraine's EU accession are manifold. Closer integration would lead to increased opportunities for trade, investment, and economic cooperation between Ukraine and EU member states. This would foster economic growth, create jobs, and stimulate innovation on both sides. Moreover, Ukraine's accession would contribute to the EU's energy security by diversifying energy sources and routes, reducing dependence on single suppliers, and enhancing resilience against external disruptions. Ukraine's vast natural resources, including significant deposits of critical minerals, can also play a crucial role in supporting the EU's green transition and technological advancements.

Supply chain resilience

Ukraine's integration into the EU Single Market would strengthen the resilience of supply chains within the bloc. By integrating Ukraine's economy into the EU's regulatory framework, the EU can diversify its supply chains, mitigate risks associated with dependence on third countries, and ensure a more secure and stable flow of goods and services. Additionally, Ukraine's robust manufacturing and industrial base can complement the EU's production capabilities, providing new opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Environmental and energy collaboration

Ukraine's integration into the EU can enhance cooperation on environmental and energy issues. Ukraine's commitment to green energy and sustainability aligns with the EU's goals of reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Collaborative efforts in energy efficiency, renewable energy projects, and environmental protection can lead to shared innovations and technologies that benefit both Ukraine and the EU.

Cultural and social enrichment

Ukraine's accession to the EU would bring cultural and social benefits, enriching the cultural diversity of the Union. Ukraine's rich cultural heritage, traditions, and vibrant arts scene would contribute to the EU's cultural mosaic, promoting greater understanding and appreciation among member states. Social exchanges, educational collaborations, and cultural programs can foster deeper connections and mutual respect between Ukrainian and EU citizens, strengthening the sense of a united European identity.

Democratic values and governance

Integrating Ukraine into the EU would also reinforce democratic values and good governance practices across the continent. Ukraine has made significant strides in its democratic reforms, rule of law, and anti-corruption efforts. Joining the EU would provide additional incentives and support for Ukraine to continue these reforms, contributing to the stability and resilience of its democratic institutions.

Enhanced security

Ukraine's accession would significantly bolster the EU's security architecture. With one of the largest armies in Europe and practical experience on the battlefield, Ukraine brings valuable expertise, cutting-edge technology and resources to the EU's defense capabilities. This would contribute to the collective security of EU member states and reinforce the bloc's ability to respond to emerging security threats effectively. Ukraine's experience in hybrid warfare, cyber defense and countering disinformation will be invaluable to the EU's broader security strategy, enhancing its ability to protect against multifaceted threats.

Challenges ahead

Ukraine has clearly reached a milestone in its decade-long effort to integrate into Europe, but several challenges lie ahead. First, Ukraine must undertake rigorous reforms to meet EU standards in areas such as the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and fighting corruption. Additionally, de-oligarchization of the economy will be crucial. Unity within the EU on this decision is essential, as it impacts financial aid for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. Addressing these challenges requires sustained effort, international support, and a strong commitment to reform from Ukraine's government and society. Despite these obstacles, both parties are committed to a successful conclusion, recognizing that Ukraine's future lies within the EU.


The initiation of formal EU accession talks with Ukraine marks a historic and transformative step in strengthening both Ukraine and the EU. By leveraging Ukraine's, geographic and logistical advantages, agricultural potential, economic opportunities, cultural richness, commitment to democratic values and security capabilities, the EU can enhance its resilience, competitiveness, and influence on the global stage. As Ukraine moves closer towards EU membership and successfully addresses the challenges noted above, it heralds a new chapter of cooperation and prosperity for all parties involved.