Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 14:46

MAGA Republicans Promised National “Unity” at the RNC – It Didn’t Last Long Arrow

GOP Commitment to Unite the Country Ends Within Mere Hours as they Return to Same Divisive Rhetoric

The American people were told to expect a unifyingmessage from the Republican National Convention this week, but it was over before it began. The Convention kicked off just 2 days ago, and immediately the GOP fell back on the same divisive rhetoric that has long driven voters away from the MAGA Party.

But don't just take it from us:

  • Donald Trump:"[Democrats] are destroying our country… These people want to cheat, and they do cheat, and frankly it's the only thing they do well."
  • Governor Jim Justice: "We become totally unhinged if Donald Trump is not elected in November"
  • Senator Ted Cruz: "Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they wanted to protect our children."
  • Governor Ron DeSantis: "The Democratic Party lies in ruins… the woke mind virus is dead."
  • Congressman Jim Banks: "We are going to take our country back."
  • Rolling Stone:"To get MAGA conventioneers extra interested in its membership, the group is promoting a giveaway for an AR-15 manufactured by Daniel Defense. […] Daniel Defense rifles are infamous for not being used in self-defense scenarios."

The following is a statement fromDNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd:

"Hate, anger, revenge, and retribution are among the oldest of ideas - and they don't bring our country together - they tear it apart. At a time when America should be unified around what connects us rather than divides us, the GOP is using their convention to do the opposite."