
Fair Isaac Corporation

02/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/09/2024 00:06

Arresting the Deposit Decline in Indian Banking

Customers Are Prioritizing Higher Yields

Indian banks are facing an unprecedented challenge: a significant decline in traditional savings and current account deposits. The CASA (Current Account Savings Account) ratio has slipped from 45% in FY22 to 41% in FY24. This decline isn't just a passing trend; it's driven by customers seeking higher returns through mutual funds and other investment options.

Fiscal 2024 marked a milestone for the domestic mutual funds industry, with assets under management (AUM) soaring by nearly ₹14 lakh crore (USD$168 billion), reaching a record ₹53.40 lakh crore (USD$641 billion) by March 2024, up from ₹39.42 lakh crore (USD$473 billion) in March 2023.

Source: Economic Times of India - February 23, 2024

While this is good news for the mutual funds industry, it has created a challenging landscape for banks. Inflows from mutual fund Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) exceeded ₹23,000 crore (USD$$2.8 billion) for the first time in July 2024, highlighting that customers are increasingly prioritizing higher yields over the security of traditional bank deposits. This shift has led to a slower growth rate for bank deposits compared to mutual fund AUM, posing a threat to the banks' deposit base, which is essential for maintaining liquidity and funding loans.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently emphasized the need for banks to refocus on deposit mobilization and lending. She called on banks to develop innovative and attractive schemes to draw in public funds and plans to meet with banking leaders to discuss strategies for boosting deposits and improving financial inclusion.

Banks are facing a "perfect storm" where the demand for loans continues to grow, but the deposit base is shrinking. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Shaktikanta Das has pointed out that interest rates were deregulated, making it inappropriate to interfere with market mechanisms. Banks are free to raise rates for shorter durations, but this alone may not be enough to reverse the trend.

Indian Deposit Pricing - Winning Back Customers

The challenge is clear: banks must find new ways to attract deposits or risk being unable to meet their lending obligations. Traditional methods, such as offering marginally higher interest rates, are no longer sufficient. What's needed is a more sophisticated data-driven deposit pricing strategy that accurately measures and predicts customer behavior and preferences.

Banks require a structured approach to track objectives against market and regulatory realities, moving beyond static forecasts to strategy-dependent, prescriptive analytics. The solution lies in developing an analytical framework that, once configured, can be recalibrated as market conditions change, without requiring a complete rebuild. This flexibility allows banks to adapt their deposit strategies efficiently and effectively in response to shifting market dynamics.

A well-planned deposit pricing strategy can be undermined if it fails to account for the impact of new competitive products that divert flows from existing, more profitable offerings. However, these diversion flows can be modeled into pricing strategies. Simplifying this complex process by consolidating smaller cross-product flows with larger ones is crucial, especially in a competitive environment where interest rates may rise. Advanced analytics and price-sensitivity modeling are essential for optimizing portfolio performance, preserving liquidity, and increasing customer satisfaction through relationship-based deposit pricing that rewards profitable customers.

Transforming Indian Deposit Pricing Strategies with Advanced Analytics

FICO Platform equips banks with the tools to confront these challenges directly. By leveraging advanced analytics and optimization techniques, FICO enables banks to craft precise and effective deposit strategies, ensuring they attract and retain the right customers for the long term. Here's how FICO Platform can revolutionize a bank's approach to deposits:

  1. Advanced Customer Behavior Analysis
    FICO Platform analyzes vast amounts of customer data to uncover insights into behavior patterns, preferences, and trends. This allows banks to segment their customer base more effectively and target them with personalized offers that resonate, driving higher engagement and loyalty.

  1. Predictive Modelling for Strategic Decision-Making
    With FICO's predictive modeling capabilities, banks can anticipate how different customer segments will respond to various pricing and product offerings. This foresight enables banks to make strategic decisions that maximize deposit growth while balancing the need to protect margins.

  1. Optimized Pricing Strategies
    FICO Platform equips banks with the tools to develop and implement pricing strategies that drive competitive results. By adjusting interest rates and other incentives, banks can attract new deposits while maintaining profitability. This approach focuses on optimizing outcomes rather than just the individual factors themselves.

  1. Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management
    In an era of increased regulatory scrutiny, FICO Platform ensures that all deposit strategies comply fully with regulatory requirements. This reduces risk and allows banks to focus on growth with confidence.

Banks are at a crossroads. Declining deposits and rising competition from mutual funds demand a fresh approach. FICO Platform offers the cutting-edge analytics and optimization banks need to craft deposit strategies that not only attract and retain customers but also fuel long-term growth and profitability. The old ways aren't enough-it's time for a new game plan, and FICO is here to deliver it.

Learn How FICO Can Help You Improve Deposit Pricing