Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain

06/10/2024 | News release | Archived content

Spain and the United States reinforce their scientific cooperation at NASA's monitoring station in Madrid


Spain and the United States reinforce their scientific cooperation at NASA's monitoring station in Madrid

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Science feature in the renewal of an agreement symbolising 60 years of space cooperation​

June 10, 2024
Spain and the United States have signed the renewal of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement today, allowing NASA to use the Robledo de Chavela Tracking Station for another 15 years. This new version improves areas concerning the Station's practical operation and incorporates the Spanish Space Agency.

The document, which represents decades of collaboration between the two countries, was signed by the State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs, Diego Martínez Belío, and the US Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso.

The event was attended by the Ministers for Defence, Margarita Robles, and for Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, as well as by the NASA Associate Administrator, Kenneth D. Bowersox, and the Deputy Associate Administrator, Kevin Coggins.

60th Anniversary

October marks the 60th anniversary of the first scientific cooperation agreement between Spain and the United States to provide NASA with land and rights of way in the municipalities of Robledo de Chavela and Navas del Rey, in Madrid.

This represents the mutual trust between Spain and the United States, and their willingness to continue working together in such important areas as science and space research.