Delegation of the European Union to Albania

09/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/10/2024 10:01

HRC57 - Item2


HRC57 - Item2


57th Session

(9 September - 11 October 2024)


Item 2


Statement by

H.E. Ms. Lotte Knudsen

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the European Union

Geneva, 10 September 2024


HRC57 Item 2 General debate on the oral update by the High Commissioner

EU Statement

Mister President,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union.

The candidate countries North Macedonia and Montenegro*, and the EFTA country Liechtenstein, member of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this statement.

With regard to the situations in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Nicaragua, we would like to refer to our statements during the respective interactive dialogues.

We reiterate our resolute condemnation of Russia's illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine. We demand that Russia fully abides by its obligations under international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and the fundamental rules and principles of the UN Charter. We demand that Russia ceases its aggression and withdraws all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine immediately, completely and unconditionally, and fully respects Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders. The EU continues to condemn in the strongest possible terms the atrocities committed in Ukraine in the context of Russia's war of aggression, such as indiscriminate and targeted attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, extrajudicial executions, the systematic use of torture, sexual- and gender-based violence, and unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children and other civilians. The EU is firmly committed to ensuring full accountability for all crimes committed in connection with Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as victims' rights to justice and reparation, as well as guarantees of non-repetition.

The EU takes note of the updated OHCHR database on businesses operating in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and reiterates that settlements are illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace. The EU also refers to its item 4 statement in this regard.

The EU continues to follow with great concern the security situation in different parts of Ethiopia, especially in Amhara and Oromia regions. We are particularly concerned by the continued reports on human rights violations, attacks on humanitarian workers, and continued shrinking civic space for human rights defenders, including through arbitrary arrest and detention. The EU welcomes the completion of the transitional justice roadmap, looks forward to its concrete implementation, and stands ready to support Ethiopian efforts to establish and implement a credible, victim-centred and transparent accountability and transitional justice process, in line with regional and international human rights standards. Accountability and transitional justice are the backbone of lasting peace and reconciliation.

Victims of violations and abuses in Ethiopia have a right to, and need, justice.

We remain concerned about the restrictions of fundamental freedoms, in particular those of expression and association, as well as the shrinking space for civil society, human rights defenders and journalists in several countries in the MENA region, for instance in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen. The use of the death penalty in the region also remains an issue of great concern.

While welcoming recent improvements of the human rights situation in Bahrain, including on women's rights, and welcoming the pardons of more than 1,500 prisoners in Bahrain in April,the EU upholds its call to Bahrain to continue along this path and to maintain its wider human rights obligations, especially with regard to human rights defenders.

The EU strongly condemns the recent detentions by the Houthis of UN personnel and staff working for international and national non-governmental organisations, and diplomatic missions in Yemen and renews the call for their immediate and unconditional release. The recent storming by the Houthi's of the OHCHR headquarters in Sana'a was yet another escalation and is a violation of the Privileges and Immunities of the UN. It is of fundamental importance to maintain the human rights monitoring and reporting capacity of the OHCHR field presence in Yemen.

This Summer marks two years since the publication of the High Commissioner's report on human rights concerns in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. We take positive note of the OHCHR press statement with an update on its work and exchanges with the Government of the People's Republic of China over these past two years. The EU remains seriously concerned about the human rights situation in China, including in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kongand continues to encourage China to implement the report's recommendations as well as those made during the Universal Periodic Review Process, and to continue its engagement with OHCHR to that end.

The EU is following closely developments in Bangladesh. Accountability for human rights violations and justice for the victims of violence and tragic loss of life that occurred in the context of the protests and their aftermath are essential to healing and a successful transition. The EU welcomes the public commitments made by the interim government and the army chief to investigate unlawful deaths. We also welcome the interim Government's openness to cooperate with the OHCHR, the steps taken by Bangladesh to accede to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and the High Commissioner's use of his global mandate to address the situation at the interim Government's request".We urge all parties to work together to uphold the rule of law and human rights of all persons in Bangladesh.

The EU is deeply concerned over the shrinking space for civil society in Vietnam and the continued arrests of human rights defenders and labour rights and environmental experts. The EU calls on Vietnam to ensure that fundamental freedoms of expression and association are protected so that civil society can participate freely in all aspects of development. The EU calls on Vietnam to release all those imprisoned for having peacefully expressed their views and to guarantee the right to a fair trial for all. The EU reiterates its call on Vietnam to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to its abolition. The EU welcomes Vietnam's ratification of ILO Conventions, and urges it to ratify the remaining Convention No 87 on The Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise.

As regards Guatemala, the EU remains concerned by efforts to undermine the rule of law through persecution or intimidation of public officials, democratically-elected authorities, civil society, media and judicial operators. The EU has previously denounced such efforts and is vigilant towards any actions that undermine democracy, as shown by the individual restrictive measures against five individuals adopted by the Council in February 2024. The EU firmly underlines the importance of a transparent and objective appointment of judges and an independent legal system. We express our continued support for President Arévalo's efforts to tackle corruption and public insecurity, strengthen the rule of law and promote inclusive and sustainable development for the benefit of all.

On Venezuela, the European Union is deeply concerned about the deepening political crisis and increasing human rights violations, including arbitrary detentions and widespread restrictions of fundamental freedoms. The EU calls on the Venezuelan authorities to end the repression and harassment of the opposition and civil society, and release all political prisoners. The EU in particular opposes the arrest warrant against presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez. All human rights violations must be thoroughly investigated and those responsible held accountable. Hence, we reiterate our call on the Venezuelan authorities to allow the immediate return of the OHCHR to Caracas and cooperate with it fully. Regarding the latest political developments, only complete and independently verifiable electoral results will be accepted and recognized to ensure that the will of the Venezuelan people is respected. The European Union will continue working with its regional partners to ensure this and to facilitate a Venezuelan-led dialogue that provides guarantees to both sides and leads to the restoration of democracy, respect of human rights and to solving the current political, socio-economic and humanitarian crisis.

The EU welcomes the deployment of two teams of the OHCHR to Armenia to collect information about the situation of displaced persons and refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh. We call on the OHCHR to remain seized of the matter. The EU underlines its continued support for advancing a sustainable and lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the principles of recognition of sovereignty, the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity in line with their commitment to the Alma Ata declaration of 1991. The full implementation of the ICJ orders is of utmost importance. The cultural heritage and property rights of the local population as well as their right to return need to be effectively protected and guaranteed.

*North Macedonia and Montenegro continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.