City of Dublin, CA

18/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 18/12/2024 18:21

Summary of Actions Taken by Dublin City Council on Tuesday, December 17

At its meeting held on Tuesday, December 17, the Dublin City Council took several actions. Below is a summary of actions taken:

  • Approved the minutes of the December 3, 2024, Regular City Council meeting.
  • Approved the 2025 City Council Meeting Calendar.
  • Made findings regarding unexpended Traffic Impact Fees for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and approved the budget change.
  • Approved changes to the City's current Personnel System.
  • Certified the November 5, 2024, election results for the offices of Mayor, City Councilmember - District 1, and City Councilmember - District 3, as well as the results for Measures II and JJ.
  • Made a presentation to former Councilmember Janine Thalblum, in appreciation of her dedicated service to the City of Dublin.
  • Administered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers Michael McCorriston and John Morada, and Mayor Sherry Hu.
  • Selected Councilmember Qaadri to serve as Vice Mayor for a one-year period, from December 2024 to December 2025.
  • Confirmed Mayor Hu's appointments to the City's Commissions and Committees:
    • Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission - appointed Shweta Agrawal, Jain Archana, Dashrath Sankhe, and Julia Tomtania each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternate Victoria Liu to a two-year term, which expires in December 2026.
    • Human Services Commission - appointed Vasanth Chetan, Siyu Henningsen, and Adam Lumia each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Bradyn Shaw and Naveena Rudrapada each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
    • Parks and Community Services Commission - appointed Racheal Matheny and Pradeep Routra each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Pawan Sohi and Sumit Aneja each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
    • Planning Commission - appointed Srinivas Badami, Guanghui Han, and Jaisena Prasath each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates John Wu and Suresh Puli each to two-year terms, which expire December 2026.
    • Senior Center Advisory Committee - appointed Steve Kau and Tao Luo each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Michael Goldstein and Regis Harvey each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
  • Confirmed Mayor Hu's appointments to various local and regional boards, committees, and commissions; and directed Staff to notify affected agencies, as appropriate.
  • Confirmed Mayor Hu's re-appointment of Steve Minniear to the position of City of Dublin Historian and appointment of Richard Deets to the position of City of Dublin Poet Laureate.
