At its meeting held on Tuesday, December 17, the Dublin City Council took several actions. Below is a summary of actions taken:
Approved the minutes of the December 3, 2024, Regular City Council meeting.
Approved the 2025 City Council Meeting Calendar.
Made findings regarding unexpended Traffic Impact Fees for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and approved the budget change.
Approved changes to the City's current Personnel System.
Certified the November 5, 2024, election results for the offices of Mayor, City Councilmember - District 1, and City Councilmember - District 3, as well as the results for Measures II and JJ.
Made a presentation to former Councilmember Janine Thalblum, in appreciation of her dedicated service to the City of Dublin.
Administered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers Michael McCorriston and John Morada, and Mayor Sherry Hu.
Selected Councilmember Qaadri to serve as Vice Mayor for a one-year period, from December 2024 to December 2025.
Confirmed Mayor Hu's appointments to the City's Commissions and Committees:
Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission - appointed Shweta Agrawal, Jain Archana, Dashrath Sankhe, and Julia Tomtania each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternate Victoria Liu to a two-year term, which expires in December 2026.
Human Services Commission - appointed Vasanth Chetan, Siyu Henningsen, and Adam Lumia each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Bradyn Shaw and Naveena Rudrapada each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
Parks and Community Services Commission - appointed Racheal Matheny and Pradeep Routra each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Pawan Sohi and Sumit Aneja each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
Planning Commission - appointed Srinivas Badami, Guanghui Han, and Jaisena Prasath each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates John Wu and Suresh Puli each to two-year terms, which expire December 2026.
Senior Center Advisory Committee - appointed Steve Kau and Tao Luo each to four-year terms, which expire December 2028; and alternates Michael Goldstein and Regis Harvey each to two-year terms, which expire in December 2026.
Confirmed Mayor Hu's appointments to various local and regional boards, committees, and commissions; and directed Staff to notify affected agencies, as appropriate.
Confirmed Mayor Hu's re-appointment of Steve Minniear to the position of City of Dublin Historian and appointment of Richard Deets to the position of City of Dublin Poet Laureate.