SBC Medical Group Holdings Inc.

05/28/2024 | Press release | Archived content

SBC Medical Group Establishes Its Group Purpose: “By medical innovation, contribute to improving the “well-being” of people around the world.”

Corporate Philosophy: "Ultimate win-win for All"

SBC Medical Group's goal of "Ultimate win-win for All" means three things. One, provide "customers" with added "Code of Conduct" that exceeds the amount they pay for their appreciation. Two, enable "staff" to take pride in their profession and feel enriched from receiving gratitude from costumers. Three, make "society" beneficial by improving the well-being of people worldwide through medical innovation,

Group Purpose: "By medical innovation, contribute to improving the "well-being" of people around the world."

Since its establishment under the slogan of "Making Cosmetic Medicine More Accessible", SBC Medical Group has been addressing customer concerns by providing high quality medical services with a focus on safety and security. Through medical innovation, it will continue to contribute to improving the 'well-being' of people worldwide by addressing and alleviating every customer's anxieties, inconveniences, and dissatisfactions.

Innovation to resolve anxiety

Aims to confront all the anxieties surrounding healthcare, from the pain of treatment to issues with treatment costs and insurance. The goal is to create a world where everyone can receive medical care with ease.

Innovation to resolve inconvenience

Strives to solve every inconvenience related to healthcare, including issues of distance and time, through ideas and technology. The goal is to implement healthcare services that are more accessible and friendly to individuals.

Innovation to resolve dissatisfaction

Steadily accumulate improvements to address various dissatisfactions among patients regarding clinics and services.

Code of Conduct

SBC Medical Group has been awarded first place for two consecutive years in the major company division for the Best Motivation Company Awards (sponsored by Link and Motivation, Inc.), which recognizes companies with high levels of mutual understanding and compatibility between the company and its employees, as quantified by the "engagement score". It will continue to strive for "Realizing the Ultimate Satisfaction of All Three Parties" though the implementation of its "Code of Conduct".


Enjoy challenges

Maintain a relentless focus on ways to make our customers happier and more satisfied while having fun. Enjoy the challenge of doing what is in the best interest of our customers without fear of failure 

Appreciate and celebrate

Express appreciation to customers and colleagues every day. Celebrate colleagues' achievements, and we will become 'a company that appreciates success the most.

■Customer Obsession

Customer first

We will strive to continuously deliver services that provide customers with excellent value and that enhance and contribute to a more positive self-image.

Be a trusted person

Be honest with customers and company staff. Never make excuses, and keep promises. Acquire the skills and knowledge to be a trustworthy professional.

■Think Big

Develop strategies based on goals

Maintain an overarching commitment to medical progress, with a dedication to implement strategies based on sound goals, together with thoughtful and decisive decisions to improve outcomes.

Value teamwork

Achieving big dreams is not attainable alone. Developing the strengths of individuals, support them where needed and celebrate with colleagues when they achieve success.

■Start Small

Focus on every result

Develop a culture that emphasizes the importance of every detail that can lead to greater success such as improved safety, treatment results, financial performance, customer satisfaction, staff turnover, customers' repeat rate, and referral.

Keep improving

Never be satisfied with the status quo and always seek ways to improve outcomes, continuing the cycle of improvement with a sense of urgency.

■Move Fast

Speed is value

Gather information from many sources, enhance judgment and decision-making skills through new challenges, and continue to implement ideas to complete all tasks as efficiently as possible.

Keep open-mind

Be honest about our limitations. Offer apologies when necessary. Embrace the wisdom of others. When in the presence of successful individuals or teams, seek to emulate them.