Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

10/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/27/2024 06:53

Briefing by First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhromjon Aloyev

Briefing by First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhromjon Aloyev

Distinguished participants of the briefing,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear compatriots,

In accordance with the Electoral Code and the regulations on the procedure of arrangements of polling stations at the diplomatic and other missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as all diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan are actively working on the preparation and holding of elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1. 57 polling stations have been set up at the embassies and consulates of Uzbekistan in 40 foreign countries.

2. In order to provide the best conditions for the citizens living abroad, a special e-service to enter them into the voter list has been introduced via the website

In addition, the Information Agency "Dunyo" under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed an interactive map indicating the locations of polling stations set up in foreign countries and published it on its web site. To this day, more than 130 thousand of our compatriots living overseas have taken advantage of this e-map.

3. Early voting for the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was conducted at the polling stations abroad from October 16 to 23 of 2024.

In this process, the precinct election commissions set up 509 portable polling stations in 145 cities densely populated by Uzbek citizens, including those where none of the country's diplomatic missions are based.

During the early voting held in foreign countries, 132 million 667 thousand of our citizens exercised their constitutional rights.

4. Over 600 outreach events, briefings, round tables and meetings with more than 100 thousand participants, including our compatriots, foreign media as well as their officials and experts were organized by diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad to raise awareness of this important political event among our citizens living overseas as well as the local population.

5. Moreover, based on the media-plan developed by the embassies and consular offices, 357 election-related materials were published in
217 leading media outlets of 37 foreign countries between July 26 and October 25 of 2024. They reached an audience of 150-180 million people worldwide.

At the same time, more than 1,3 thousand election-related content was spread through social media to compatriots and diaspora groups in an effort to broadly involve citizens of Uzbekistan abroad in the elections.

Along with that, the websites of Uzbekistan's diplomatic missions abroad and the "Dunyo" Information Agency opened the "Elections-2024" page, where more than 600 materials (articles, reports and interviews) on pre-election topics were posted during July-October of 2024.

The opinions of more than 120 leading foreign experts were widely covered on local TV channels, in printed and electronic publications.

Dear participants of the briefing,

6. Currently, all conditions have been provided for the electoral process at 57 polling stations set up at Uzbekistan's diplomatic missions and consular offices in 40 foreign countries.

Thorough preparations for this event were carried out during the election campaigns. The polling stations set up for the parliamentary elections were designed so that the voters could freely express their will and fully enjoy their constitutional rights.

The first of the election processes abroad began on October 27 at the diplomatic missions of our country in Japan and the Republic of Korea
at 04:00 hrs. (Tashkent time), and the last one will end at 05:00 hrs.
on October 28 at the diplomatic missions in the United States of America.

By now, voting processes have begun and are continuing in most countries of the world, including the Middle East, Asia and Oceania, European countries, Russia and all neighboring nations.

Our citizens are actively participating in this significant political event.

Thank you for your kind attention.