Suzanne Bonamici

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 09:00

Bonamici, Bacon, Valadao Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Connect People with Overdose, Detox Aid

WASHINGTON, DC [9/26/24] - This week Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Don Bacon (R-NE), and David Valadao (R-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation to provide transportation for people in need of overdose prevention, substance use disorder treatment, detoxification, and supportive services.

The Connections to Health Infrastructure and Emergency Recovery Services (CHIERS) Act is inspired by the former long-running van service provided by the health and housing nonprofit Central City Concern that transported people in need to a sobering center in Portland, Oregon. The legislation would create a grant program to improve access to or expand services that provide transportation to connect people with sobering centers, behavioral health supports and supportive services including outpatient health services, case management, and mental health services.

"People who are intoxicated or in danger of overdosing need a safe way to access care," said Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici. "Lack of transportation shouldn't be a barrier to getting help. Central City Concern's CHIERS van helped many people reach sobering centers in Portland. This bipartisan legislation will build on that model to create new transportation programs in Oregon and across the country."

"Everyone deserves a second chance," said Rep. Bacon. "The CHIERS Act will improve access to developing services that provide individuals with transportation to and from substance use disorder treatments or support services. This program will help thousands of citizens get the help they need."

"Rural communities throughout the Central Valley have been impacted by the devastating effects of the opioid crisis," said Congressman Valadao. "Those seeking treatment and services often face long travel times and high transportation costs to access the resources they need. I'm proud to cosponsor this legislation, which would eliminate many of these travel barriers and make it easier for folks to access the treatment they need."

Fundingfrom the CHIERS Act could be used to train staff, purchase vehicles, and contract with ridesharing services to cover transportation. The grant program would be run jointly through the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development and eligibleentities include community health centers, Continuum of Care Program participants, opioid recovery centers, state, Tribal and local governments, and nonprofit organizations.

The legislation is endorsed by Central City Concern, Drug Policy Alliance, National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Association of Counties, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Lyft, Uber, and the City of Portland.

"Providing no cost critical 'first and last mile' transportation to the front door of recovery services for our most vulnerable neighbors is an essential part of the continuum of care," says Brooke Goldberg, Director of Public Policy at Central City Concern. "We know from our years of experience of providing transport services that thousands benefitted from this simple act. And, it provided a critical public safety need in our community. We are grateful for Representative Bonamici's continued efforts to enhance community services."

"In 2023, over 48 million Americans had a substance use disorder (SUD). Substance use treatment services save the lives of millions of Americans each year, but too many people struggle to find transportation to these life-saving services," said Hannah Wesolowski, Chief Advocacy Officer at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). "Rep. Bonamici's CHIERS Act would provide transportation to those with an SUD so that they can be connected to these life-changing services. NAMI is proud to support the CHIERS Act."

"Lyft is proud to support the CHIERS Act," said Lyft VP of Healthcare Buck Poropatich. "This important bill will help people get rides to and from critical supportive services. Supporting this bill aligns with Lyft's goal to be a force for good in communities across the country by removing transportation barriers. This legislation has the potential to greatly enhance public health, safety, and help those who need it most. We urge Congress to take it up."

"Uber is proud to support the Connections to Health Infrastructure and Emergency Recovery Services (CHIERS) Act," said CR Wooters, Head of Federal Affairs at Uber. "Lack of transportation should not stand in the way of accessing care. Through Uber Health, community organizations and non-profits can help patients reach the services and care they need to aid recovery. We applaud Representatives Bonamici, Bacon, and Valadao for their leadership on this issue."

The legislative text of the CHIERS Act can be found here.
