Intershop Communications AG

09/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 07:05

Success factor B2B customer experience: 6 ways to drive conversions

Success factor B2B customer experience: 6 ways to drive conversions

September 25, 2024 | 9 min. read

B2B e-commerce is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by rapidly evolving customer needs, technological advancements, and the influx of valuable data. For wholesalers and manufacturers, it's no longer just about offering products - it's about creating seamless, intuitive, and efficient online experiences that reflect the expectations of today's customers. So, how can B2B businesses keep up? And more importantly, how can they unlock their full e-commerce potential?

The Dutch ShoppingTomorrow expert group 'B2B Frontrunners: Harness your B2B e-commerce potential' seeks to answer these questions. Led by De Nieuwe Zaak and Intershop, 23 experts in five in-depth sessions dive into this topic. The third session focused on conversion optimization. How do you ensure a B2C-like experience in B2B? And how do you reduce noise and friction so that your website visitors do what you want most: convert? In this blog, we explore key insights and practical tips that can help B2B businesses optimize their conversion rates, improve user experience, and ultimately achieve higher customer satisfaction.

E-commerce challenges and conversion optimization at Isero

Why is conversion optimization important?

6 tips for conversion optimization in B2B e-commerce

Conclusion: The path to B2B e-commerce success

E-commerce challenges and conversion optimization at Isero

The expert group visited the distribution center of Isero, a leading technical wholesaler in The Netherlands serving the construction, renovation, and maintenance sectors. With over 70 branches and more than 1,200 employees, Isero B.V. operates as a fully owned subsidiary of the publicly traded Grafton Group plc.

Isero has expanded through acquisitions, primarily of smaller companies, and by opening new branches in partnership with Polvo. Its 10,000 m² distribution center in Waddinxveen, The Netherlands, supports these branches with a stock of 50,000 items and an assortment of 150,000 products. Additionally, Isero handles special orders and offers free delivery to construction sites throughout the Netherlands.

The company faces a wide variety of customer purchasing needs, driven in part by the high expectations set by B2C experiences. The extensive and frequently changing product range contributes to the complexity of its pricing model. Isero's e-commerce activities are divided into three teams: development & design, online business, and online data and marketing. Their close collaboration, coupled with extensive testing, is key to conversion optimization.

To streamline cross-sell and upsell opportunities, Isero leverages the AI-powered tool SPARQUE.AI, replacing manual processes and making data-driven recommendations based on customer behavior. Additionally, the company is rolling out an online product advisor informed by SEO research and in-depth product knowledge, specifically targeting product categories with lower conversion rates.

Why is conversion optimization important?

While you might think that the expectations of B2B customers are lower than those of a B2C audience, research shows that 80% of B2B customers expect a customer experience comparable to that of B2C customers. This makes sense, as all business customers you deal with are also people who, just like you, order products from platforms like Amazon or Zalando in their free time.

This is why conversion optimization matters:

  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

    Customer satisfaction is directly linked to the quality of the customer experience. Satisfied customers are more loyal and stay with a company longer, resulting in higher customer retention.

  • Competitive advantage

    In markets where products and services increasingly resemble one another, an excellent customer experience (CX) can be a differentiating factor. Companies that consistently offer superior customer experiences can stand out from their competitors and gain market share.

  • Positive word-of-mouth

    Satisfied customers share their positive experiences with others, leading to organic growth and new customers. On the other hand, negative experiences can harm a company's reputation. According to a Nielsen study (2018), 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than other forms of advertising.

  • Cost savings

    A good customer experience can also lead to cost savings by reducing complaints and returns and by streamlining processes.

6 tips for conversion optimization in B2B e-commerce

Here are six ways to drive conversion optimization in B2B, inspired by real-world case studies like that of Isero.

1. Align customer and organizational goals

When trying to improve conversion rates, the first step is understanding where the needs of your customers and your business overlap. Often, there are "magic moments" in the customer journey - those crucial touchpoints where customers feel delighted or where they experience friction. Identifying and resolving these pain points can lead to a better experience and more conversions.

For instance, the psychological principles of persuasion, such as scarcity and social proof, can work wonders for certain audiences. But beware - what works in one context may not work in another. Testing different strategies is key to finding what resonates best with your B2B audience.

2. Get the fundamentals right

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is like building a house - you need a solid foundation before adding anything fancy. Before rolling out new features or complex design elements, make sure the basics are in order. For example, if you're offering free shipping, ensure the terms are clear and accessible throughout the buying journey, as even small uncertainties can discourage potential buyers.

Take Isero's example: adding a free shipping banner increased friction instead of reducing it, leading to lower conversions. This prompted them to reassess their CRO strategy, emphasizing the importance of a structured approach, such as using a CRO pyramid to establish strong fundamentals before focusing on personalization or upselling.

The CRO pyramid

3. Use a proven optimization process

To successfully optimize your e-commerce platform, follow a structured, four-step process:

  • Set goals:What does success look like for both your business and your customers?

  • Gather insights:Where are the bottlenecks or opportunities in your current user journey?

  • Optimize:Implement changes based on the insights gathered.

  • Validate:Measure the impact of those changes and learn from the results.

A common mistake many businesses make is skipping the second step - gathering insights. However, data-driven insights are crucial for diagnosing problems effectively and finding the best solutions. Tools like funnel analysis can highlight where customers are dropping off in their journey, allowing you to focus on fixing those "leaks."

4. Eliminate friction, increase motivation

B2B buyers are often influenced by their B2C experiences, meaning they expect the same ease of use. Conversion optimization should aim to reduce friction while boosting customer motivation. According to the Fogg Behavior Model, behavior is driven by a combination of motivation and ease. To get users to take action, make the process as simple as possible while clearly communicating the benefits.

For example, simplify the B2B login and registration processby auto-filling information where possible (e.g., generating company data from postal codes) and asking for only essential information upfront. Reducing friction during this process increases the likelihood of customers engaging more deeply with your platform.

Additionally, smart product recommendations powered by AI tools like SPARQUE.AI can smooth the buying process, helping customers discover complementary products and boosting cross-sells and upsells.

5. Keep evolving with customer needs

Developing new features is essential for growth, but it's important to ensure there's actual demand for them. One way to test demand is through a "fake-door" experiment. This involves creating the appearance of a new feature and measuring how many users click on it. If there's sufficient interest, you can then invest in developing the feature for real.

Continuous iteration is key - always be ready to adjust based on customer feedback and evolving market trends. Don't forget to stay aligned with the wishes of your customers to ensure any new developments truly add value to their experience.

6. Look beyond your e-commerce platform

Conversion optimization doesn't stop at your e-commerce platform. Every touchpoint -whether it's ads, product listings, or customer service - plays a role in shaping the overall experience. For instance, testing ad performance with a five-second test can reveal if your key message and brand identity are coming through clearly before launching a full campaign.

You can apply the same principle to your checkout process, ensuring it's as streamlined and straightforward as possible. Keeping the buying journey smooth across all channels increases the chances of conversion and customer satisfaction.

In B2B, especially, several critical areas require attention beyond just the website interface:

  • Optimizing the B2B login and registration process

    In B2B, the login and registration process is often more complex due to additional requirements like VAT numbers and company details. However, this complexity shouldn't become a deterrent for users. Simplifying the process, for instance by using auto-fill features (e.g., generating company data based on postal codes), can significantly reduce the burden on users.
    A frictionless login process is essential for encouraging users to engage more deeply with your platform. Ask only for the necessary details upfront, allowing users to add more information to their profiles later. Making these early interactions smooth and intuitive is key to reducing barriers to entry and increasing conversions.

  • B2B customer service: The hidden conversion driver

    Excellent customer service in B2B is not just a nice-to-have - it's a critical factor in customer experience and conversion rates. The challenges B2B customers face, whether it's needing specific product data, managing returns, or modifying orders, are often more complex than in B2C. This requires a more specialized approach.

    Enabling self-service options, such as allowing users to change orders independently, can reduce the workload for customer service teams and empower customers to resolve their own issues. Additionally, involving the customer service team in product and process development ensures that your e-commerce platform is equipped to handle the specific needs of B2B buyers. This can lead to smoother transactions, fewer abandoned carts, and higher conversions.

  • Providing crucial stock and delivery information

    B2B buyers often require detailed and accurate stock and delivery information to make purchasing decisions. Providing clear, real-time information about stock levels, delivery timelines, and options on the product page can make or break a sale.
    Transparency in this area builds trust, particularly for B2B buyers who rely on timely delivery for their own operational needs. Consider adding options to reserve out-of-stock items or clearly communicating expected restock dates to avoid losing potential customers due to stock shortages. Ensuring this information is easy to access throughout the buying journey can improve conversion rates significantly.

By focusing on these critical areas - login and registration processes, customer service integration, and clear stock and delivery information - you create a seamless, frictionless experience that encourages conversion beyond just the digital storefront.

Conclusion: The path to B2B e-commerce success

In the fast-evolving world of B2B e-commerce, focusing on conversion optimization is key to staying competitive and meeting customer expectations. By following these six tips - understanding user pain points, laying strong foundations, continuously optimizing, reducing friction, evolving with your customers, and optimizing beyond just the B2B e-commerce platform - you can drive more conversions and foster lasting customer relationships.

As B2B customers increasingly expect experiences that match the ease and efficiency of B2C, investing in a robust, data-driven CRO strategy will position your business for lasting success.

If you found these tips helpful, be sure to check out our other expert insights from the Dutch ShoppingTomorrow B2B Frontrunners group. Dive into "The future is now: Customer expectations, innovations, and trends in modern B2B e-commerce" or explore how AI is reshaping the industry in "The transformative power of generative AI in B2B e-commerce". Stay ahead with the latest trends driving the future of B2B!

Robert de Boer

Senior Vice President of Business Development EMEA


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