Intapp Inc.

11/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/19/2024 13:43

Enhanced user experience enabled with latest Intapp DealCloud updates

Assist-powered search

What it is: Powered by Intapp Assist, our new search feature simplifies your DealCloud experience by allowing you to quickly access any widget directly from the search bar. Simply enter a natural language query to view all relevant widgets instantly.

This capability eliminates the need to navigate through multiple dashboards or pages, saving you time and streamlining your workflow. With this feature, you can easily discover and access the information you need from right where you are.

The problem it solves: Previously, users often wasted time flipping between dashboards to locate specific widgets. This new feature eliminates the need for manual searching, improving efficiency and accessibility.

How it's enabled: This feature is available to Intapp DealCloud users who have Intapp Assist enabled.