BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica

10/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/17/2024 18:33

Investment in the world's first 'Mother Health Bond' issued by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration

Tegucigalpa, octubre 17, 2024.- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company (President and CEO: Hideki Nagashima) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) announce that Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance has invested in the world's first "Mother Health Bond" issued by CABEI to provide food security through stable nutritional supply support for economically distressed mothers and pregnant women, by purchasing the entire issue amount of the AUD 210 million (approximately 21 billion yen) of the Bond. Barclays Securities Japan Limited acted as the sole arranger of the issuance.

The Bond is based on CABEI's Social Bond Framework, and its funds will be utilized for projects in Latin America to support a stable supply of nutrition for socially vulnerable mothers and pregnant women in the region. By providing nutritious and safe food to people suffering from nutritional deficiencies, the funds will help extend the healthy life expectancy of mothers and pregnant women, as well as future generations, including newborns and infants.

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance has set the "Meiji Yasuda Philosophy" as the foundation of its management and has defined its "Vision toward 2030" as becoming "The most accessible, industry-leading life insurer capable of "Wellness for People, Vitality for Communities." In addition, among the 17 goals of the SDGs and the 169 targets contained in them, it has set "extending healthy life expectancy" as one of the priority issues, and it is supporting the continuation of the health improvement cycle of "Medical Examination and Prevention" through the "Health and Vitality for All Project" to solve these issues.

Based on the management philosophy of "Reliable Peace of Mind, Forever," Meiji Yasuda Life is promoting the creation of social value through ESG investments and financing through the resolution of global environmental and social issues and regional contributions such as the revitalization of domestic regional economies.