ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party

04/12/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/12/2023 07:25

Kaja Kallas to lead new government in Estonia

After successful government negotiations between Reformierakond, Eesti 200 and the Social Democrats, incumbent Prime Minister Kaja Kallashas renewed her mandate to lead Estonia.

The negotiations follow parliamentary elections in March, where Reformierakond won by a landslide with 31.2% of the vote. Prime Minister Kallas broke another record by receiving 31,821 personal votes, which is more than any other Estonian politician in history.  

Commenting on the concluded negotiations, Prime Minister Kallas said:

"This coalition agreement ensures that Estonia is protected, that we continue as an independent country. We have to make decisions that may be difficult but are necessary for Estonia. We want Estonia to be protected, the livelihood of our people to be guaranteed, the state's finances to be in order, education, language and culture to be maintained, and tomorrow to be even better for everyone."

Key priorities for the new government will be the legalisation of same-sex marriage, returning to a flat-tax system, ensuring investment in defence and strengthening the Estonian language, among others.

ALDE Party member Reformierakond is set to hold a total of seven ministerial positions out of 13 in the new government, including:

  • Prime Minister - Kaja Kallas
  • Minister of Justice - Kalle Laanet
  • Minister of Climate - Kristen Michal
  • Minister of Defence - Hanno Pevkur
  • Minister of Culture - Heidy Purga
  • Minister of Social Protection - Signe Riisalo
  • Minister of Finance - Mart Võrklaev

ALDE Party co-Presidents Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEPand Senator Timmy Dooley congratulated Prime Minister Kallas on her renewed mandate.

"Estonia is in a safe pair of hands with Kaja Kallas as Prime Minister. We look forward to her continuous leadership in the EU and the liberal family,"Kyuchyuk said.

"Estonian leadership has been essential in these times of war. Kaja Kallas has demonstrated inspiring trust and security in her ability to govern the country effectively,"Dooley added.

European liberals look forward to her continued leadership within the European Union and the liberal family.